Yes Obama is one of the antichrist figures of the last days. I tried to pray for him once and I saw he has a block over him protecting him from all Christian prayers.
The False prophet who put Gates of Hell into power is a prophet indeed. He also has inside informations which makes him a false prophet of finance. His pet name is the Oracle of Omaha. He literally have Gates foundations all his money according to internet info. So who is the first antichrist? That would be duck bill Gates of Hell. He devised the mark of the beast. And he also is in close contact with War On Buffet the F.Prophet!
GMO Mosquito’s/animals/insects. GMO produce/food, fruit, veggies. And of course GMO Hue Mens.
Popes don’t generally prophecy. Plus the men in red hats were the only restrainer to corporate evil. But they fell after centuries of warfare at the fall of the great cathedrals. The lightning strikes to the many statues. And the burning of the Notre Dame cathedral. These were all about the tech wars (Gog- (google) and the rising of the beast who is much worse than the Harlot. Many warriors who the red hats employed to protect the realm of mankind died for the cause. While christians criticize and mock all aspects of the Catholic organization.
In 2020 the beast showed to us it’s one world domination. But it’s time is short! Gates and Buffet merely represent the dark realm of the beast. They are the figure heads from hell.