There are uncanny similarities between Unicode and The Enochian Alphabet
Also See below Programmers Create Standard Registered Klingon Unicode Computer Language. Official Link to Registration of Klingon Language.
Did programmers create computer language from 1’s & 0’s to unicode from the Enochian alphabet? I have noticed Uncanny similarities between computer unicode and Enochian alphabet. Please CLICK to enlarge photo.

Who knew programmers have even encoded the Klingon Language See link.
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The Enochian alphabet first appeared during the 16th century. The Court Astrologer and Magician, Dr. John Dee (1527-1608), and his associate, Sir Edward Kelly (1555-1597) claimed that the alphabet and the Enochian language was transmitted to them by angels.
I have not done much research on this….its just food for thought I find very interesting.
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