Why The Elite Invented Christmas. The Most Effective Predictive Program of All Time

Decoding of The Christmas Program.  (please read at minimum the final paragraph).

Predictive Programming- To put a movie, ad campaign, show, media, on TV (image of the beast) radio or any large public platform.  The narrative of the TV campaign is to invite a specifically geared common subconscious reaction.   They anticipate by knowledge & experience how a majority will react to the TV program of the mind.

Example- The news advertises a run on the banks and the crashing of the financial system.  The common reaction is to move our money somewhere safe.


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missdanaashlie.com Website Uses “doubleclick” Blatant Tracking Spyware”

Blatant Tracking Spyware is used by some websites (I did not develop missdanaashlie.com)

[missdanaashlie.com NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH danaashlie.com]

Dana Ashlie of Youtube did not program the tracking on missdanaashlie.com website.  The webpage is controlled by a website host who has made these choices to track people.

For example missdanaashlie.com website has chosen to track you by your browser with spyware tracking cookies.

Its one thing to save a clients login info with site cookies or make it easy for them to login by logging IP addresses. Doubleclick.net spyware tracking cookies does much much more. They size you up by your web browsers actions and then bombard you with ads to manipulate you further.

See evidence below




Be Selfish & Be Charitable Anyway. Be Angry Yet Do No Harm

The Truth Shall Set You Free—But How?

First ‘the problem’ at the end of the page is my website for emotional deprogramming solutions.  Not everyone gets as thoroughly programmed as I was.  There are variables such as empathic and encouragement by parenting that can prevent to an extent trauma based programs from taking hold 100%.

Truth is magical.  It is spiritual armor.  Truth absolutely sets a man free when he embraces it to see his own heart.  I know this by experience.  I also know most of us think we already know who we are at heart level.

Continue reading “Be Selfish & Be Charitable Anyway. Be Angry Yet Do No Harm”

To the Mandela Affected. You’re not Delusional After All.

  Do the many really believe in that which their eyes cannot see?  When it comes down to it…No.  They often just follow beliefs that are socially acceptable.  Few these days have escaped the hive mind.

Furthermore, only the dysfunctional who harm themselves or others can be appropriately labelled “Delusionally Dysfunctional” due to emotional trauma response behavior.

If you don’t see & remember history quite differently than the majority of mankind, fear not.  According to the powers on high, it’s evident you do not need to be shown that the supernatural is REAL.   Perhaps you already believe in God and are spiritually safe.   And perhaps you are being protected by God from the perplexing realizations of seeing first hand a fluid reality.

Continue reading “To the Mandela Affected. You’re not Delusional After All.”

Elimination of Spirituality by Genetic Bio-Attack on the Brain

I cannot confirm that this video is authentic but its important as an ideal for info.

The people who poison EVERYTHING are the people in charge of EVERYTHING. Know them by who they show you they are not by who you are and who they say they are. These controllers are not like us. Seems those who rule are sociopaths with NO conscience. We should be living to 200 years old if we were not being poisoned. (see google doodle bithdays?) Then more people would have a clue about the real enemy.

Prevent Corona Virus (possible cure)

PLEASE NOTE I Need to be clear on this: Clove is an ancient remedy that has withstood the test of time.

Read the First Paragraph for the recipe.

I wrote this in January 2020.  I now know I have been fighting off approximately 6-10 various new cold & flu strains by using Clove.  The Holy Spirit gave me this instinctive information.  As soon as you feel the scratchy throat or a tickle in your lungs take a shot of good strong clove extract.  Make it yourself.  Don’t buy the extracts.  Buy dried cloves.  Make the extract like you would tea.  Then refrigerate it.  Take it as often as symptoms come up.  Also take it regularly in shots.  Use 3-4 tablespoons of cloves with about 2 cups of water for the extract.

WARNING-DRINK PLENTY OF WATER.  Don’t over do your intake of clove.  Keep it under amount recommended by physicians.  For me  shots a day is plenty with lots of water.

Why?  My theory is this.  The back sin aided people are spreading their germs of 6-10 type flus.

Continue reading “Prevent Corona Virus (possible cure)”

Mental and Emotional Programming of The Masses

Is Fear a Sin?

Fear is part of the human condition.  Without fear mankind would not survive.  The beast system will shame you for all your vital God given human emotions including fear, if at all possible.

“The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom”.

Therefore how can fear be a sin if its as involuntary as a blinking eye?

Would God cast you into Hell because of your humanity or your hair color?


God is Love.  We are saved by Faith in Him.  Hope, Love, & Faith are the greatest gifts a human has.

Continue reading “Mental and Emotional Programming of The Masses”

Showcasing Kimberly K. Ballard Author & Youtube Content Provider

Miss Kimberly Ballard. Expert on Jewish Traditions, Holy days, Prophecy, Literature, and more.

She has a channel on Youtube called “Elijah & Moses” channel.

Scroll past the videos for Kimbery’s Book ‘Aaron’s Rod The Messiah KING Of Israel’ by Kimberly K Ballard link & Credentials.


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Eyes Without a Face -Shaking My Head Productions

Choose now whom you shall serve. A man cannot serve two masters. I was kicked out of Traitor Joe’s for not wearing a mask even though I stated “pre existing condition” according to Florida mandates the rule is voluntary anyway.


Nevertheless I live in a democratic town wear EVERYONE I see in food stores wear the mask except me of course.  Excepting when I am at the hardware store or lumber yard.  Places where blue collar workers and men with a DIY attitude buy tools and such.

Remember this, mental torture includes threats.  And a threat that you won’t be able to buy or sell without a mask or back scene is a form of mental torture.  Therefore when you watch this video keep that in mind.

Once you know your being mentally manipulated to be afraid of the future its much easier to avoid that particular fear.  Granted I am not saying it won’t happen.  But I know this…Satan want will participants.  If its “mandatory” to receive a mark or wear a mask then its not willing servitude and we are innocent.

There MUST be a choice involved in taking the mark of Satan and embracing it.  We must have an alternative such as “pre existing condition”.  Those are the magic words people.  Say it nice and say it with feeling to the barking men and woman standing at the entrance of the stores.

What to say to the Mask Police to be excused from wearing it.


PLEASE, STAND WITH ME For Freedom.  IF YOU COMPLY TO THE MASK it will be harder to refuse the prick.(Gates of Hell Vakz).

Thanks again to the producers of “Shaking My Head Productions” for the sharing of their video in the name of Truth.  I think the owner of the YT channel is a guy named KJ who also has other channels.

What can I say folks.  I know how to pick em.  Another vid bites the dust.  Eyes without a face Shaking my head productions is removed without a trace.

Corona discharge Creates Ozone & w/Exposure Same Symptoms as “Vye Russ”

Proof of fake sun

Corona Discharge

This corona-discharge ruptures the stable oxygen molecule (by current or (voltage too high for say electrical lines to manage. ) and forms two oxygen radicals. These radicals can combine with oxygen molecules to form bad ozone.

The process of corona discharge usually shows a violet light burst and a hissing sound.

Since I wrote this research article I have seen the skies in Florida black as pitch on nights with no stars light up like a blue sky ocean.  Not as lightening, different.  My sky lit up like a dark room with an old fashion bright camera flash in blue instead of white light.  I have seen this happen at least three times.  And once it took out the electrical grid.

Update “Interactive .gov air ozone map”  Hidden in plain sight.

Ozone Air Quality Health Effects.

You believe in God?  Believe also then in the supernatural.  The spirit realm is eternal.  The natural realm is temporal.  This I assure you, Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.

  Collection on Video of Corona Discharge events caught on film.

Corona Discharge Effect Produces Ozone which causes breathing distress, hissing sound, seeing purple lights and the the symptoms of Corona Vye Russ.


The average researcher will search the word “corona” and find the corona discharges that are created naturally by the sun then they will look no further on studies of the word “Corona”. Understandably, I did this myself. Searching for the sinister motives behind the word Corona and the alleged Vye RussF.
Trying to find Truth amid a hoard of media lies. But yesterday I found something different by another word search on, “Industrial Air Purification” and the different ways they recycle, purify, sanitize, de-microbial, bactericidal, and basically DENATURE in some very disturbing and electrical ways the very air breathed in large buildings, hospitals, stores, etc.

What a rabbit hole did I find there, what a hole indeed.
Continue reading “Corona discharge Creates Ozone & w/Exposure Same Symptoms as “Vye Russ””

What Are Spirituality And Salvation?

The Things of The Spirit are Folly to The Carnal Mind (flesh)

Written by Laura Edgar Author of Paradise for the Hellbound

The flesh is at emnity with God.

Time tells all, so says humanity. Time does tell alot however time is a given only to those of the flesh who grow old and die. Time and humanity are one.
The Spirit and eternity are one.  Meaning, eternity and spirituality standing alone are also one.
To be spirit is to be eternal.
To be flesh is to be temporal.
“One day ye shall know as well as ye are known.

Then remain these three. Faith, Hope, & Love but the greatest is Love.”

If salvation were due to Grace alone then Grace would be eternal as well.

Continue reading “What Are Spirituality And Salvation?”

Depart From Me Ye Workers of Iniquity I Never Knew You

How to Make The First Rapture (drink the mirror)

Sidenote:  Yes first rapture, why?  Because the rapture one in the field one left, is separate from the great multitude saved at the last Trump.  This is my theory of at least two lifting away of God's people.  First the elect/144,000 (God's army on earth) & 133,000 (those who go before the throne of God are the 133.)

The Great Harlot is the false church.  Why is the harlot at war with psychology and the concept of emotional therapy as if it were in competition with the church.  Why have we heard preachers mock therapy?

(salvation 101 link)

The right therapist can open one’s eyes

Continue reading “Depart From Me Ye Workers of Iniquity I Never Knew You”

My Various Websites and Their Genre


Florida heal at the beach w/sun & salt. Seek God while it is still light.

Jazweeh Websites

https://jazweeh.com         Spirituality, End times topics, predictions of Jesus’ return and predictions of the great tribulation and more supernatural topics.






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“Low Spark of High Heeled Boys” Traffic Song Decoded

Song Decode &  Facts & helps for those who refuse to wear a mask.

Must see this related article emf directly connected to CV

Must see!   This song is a cryptic 70s hit probably before your time explaining the 5g to the “T”.


Sidenote off topic.  Oxygen deficiency standards in the work place.  Come to find out the mask causes oxygen safety to crash below safe limits.  Know this disabilities act rights and HIPPA act rights mandate you do NOT have to disclose health reasons for your “pre existing condition” that excludes you from safe mask wearing.

Osha oxygen safety.  Tell those bullying you into mask wearing that you will contact the Osha compliance officer regarding their unsafe face cover demands.


The Process of Salvation 101

Am I Saved? Directions to Let Go and Let God.

“Have ye come so far in the spirit and by The Holy Spirit and received the baptism thereof that now ye shall perfect yourself by the flesh & law?” _____ Apostle Paul

Faith is not faith if its not Faith.  Hope is not Hope if its not Hope.  Do not expect a legal document decree to ease your fear of death & fear of not being saved.  You must “Draw nigh unto God and He shall draw nigh unto you”.  Become the clay.  Confess your heart.  The worst of the worst.

Continue reading “The Process of Salvation 101”


The Elite who have been very hard to predict to a “T” in the past, are now becoming very predictable as they crush small business, while the masses lose their jobs now they can hire our own people against us.

The Gaggle Ad below popped up on https://fatherswords.com site I visit.

You can bet these blind & sleeping (and the unknowing needy & desperate) who take FEMA jobs will care nothing about anyone as long as they get their paycheck.  And the power will go straight to their head.  They will enjoy the violence and have no regrets because “hey we are just doing our job” and what?  That rationalizes any action?

Was George Floyde One of The Prophesied “Two Witnesses” Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES?


Why are so many people trashing this murdered guy’s reputation?  I got an email today saying “he was a porn star”.  Thing is born again Christians ALWAYS have tainted pasts.  That is the miracle about being born again.  God changes our heart, actions, wants, likes,morals.

Continue reading “Was George Floyde One of The Prophesied “Two Witnesses” Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES?”

Satan Falls Like Lightning from Heaven May 27th, 2020

Satan Has Fallen and The Dragon Shall Now Rise on Earth

What does the spaceX Dragon Rocket flight mean in spiritual terms and decoded?  The Beast/Dragon is here and is rising.

Jazweeh had a real time vision while in a dream sleeping. She was startled as Satan himself approached her in her front yard. He is here on Earth now.  She and I am sure of it.  He has fallen like lightening.  It is done.  Many saw him fall to earth over Turkey and Armenia like lightening or meteorite.

Continue reading “Satan Falls Like Lightning from Heaven May 27th, 2020”