Get Ready for the New Rules of []Medical Tyranny[] coming to your town soon.
What is C.O.V.I.D? []Certificate of Vacks Scene Identification (I.D.) contrived and began in 20(19) AKA “COVID19”.[]
UK COVID19 NEW LOCKDOWN RULES (Either upload this wordpad file and open with wordpad or read below.) These rules were originally published at both and in the newspaper the Telegraph UK and read by Mr. Johnson AKA Boris .
“Six feet apart” is now LAW in the UK. “Rule of Six” means six people can gather together in homes, & Six feet Under is where most people end up…are social distancing and C.V. rules actually a 666 satanic & barbaric ritual FROM HELL?
It sure as hell looks like it.
THE “Rule of Six” originating from
What are the new restrictions?
Social gatherings of more than six people are now illegal.
Anyone socializing in groups larger than six will be liable for a £100 on-the-spot fine, which will double on repeat offences up to £3,200.
The limit of six people from up to six households will apply to adults and children indoors and outdoors, in homes, gardens, parks and venues such as pubs and restaurants.
Announcing the new rules that came into effect on September 14, the Prime Minister said: “In England from Monday we are introducing the rule of six.
“You must not meet socially in groups of more than six. And, if you do, you will be breaking the law.”
A family of five will only be allowed to meet one grandparent at a time, while families of six or more will be banned from meeting anyone at all.
There will be a limited number of exemptions to the rule of six.
Mr. Johnson said (Boris Johnson I am guessing): “There will be some limited exemptions; for example, if a single household or support bubble
“Covid-secure venues like places of worships, gyms, restaurants, hospitality venues can still hold more than six in total. Within those venues, however, there must not be individual groups larger than six and groups must not mix socially or form larger groups.
“Education and work settings are unaffected. Covid-secure weddings and funerals can go ahead up to a limit of 30 people and organized sport will still be able to proceed.”
On a Spiritual Note
Guard Yourself Against Ongoing Emotional Torture. Relentless Threats Carried out by the Media are meant to be emotionally taxing and mentally straining to finally break down the masses into servitude of the beast. Seek God in Truth He will protect you from being drawn into deceptions of guilt & shame cycles, and knee jerk reactions of projected violence against our brothers in arms. The people are suffering. We must not blame them for their ignorance. They are greatly deceived and do not know how to seek God in Truth. Teach them to be real with God and to seek deliverance through Jesus The Christ, redeemer, and Savior of the lost sheep. Writers Commentary on the Rules
Wtf? “support bubble” the new language the media is using is disturbing at best. Always look for double meanings behind their language in announcements. The words are latent with dark implications.) is larger than six, then obviously they can still gather. (commentary-Why would they say that? “support bubble”? I mean they already called it a “household” what is the sense behind adding the term “support bubble”? Are we all being trapped into bubbles of deceptions and lies? Bubble’s are secluded one from another but they can easily be popped and disappear. Bubbles quickly turn to just a memory of what was color & light, and water.
Moreover, perhaps the strategically placed term “bubble” that millions will read and hear is a mind control tactic showing the masses they are warm, comfy, & safe in a bubble protected from the naughty virus if they just follow the ridiculous & mindless rules that are no more than the Puppet Master setting the scenery for his diabolical fictitious play.
We the people are the roll players in this horrific and criminal performance of oppression and mocking. The blind lead the blind to the sound of the pied piper who loves his slaughter. Those who obey will be lead to their demise. And those who oppose will be labelled “bad and wrong”.
Ongoing and Relentless Threats of Torture
The people in the UK and the U.S. are clearly being THREATENED over and over again. In accordance with torture methods of mind control and emotional breaking points. The continuous threat of impending doom is said to be more emotionally crushing and a more effective torture than an actual disastrous event.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a statement at the coronavirus press conference.