Broad-Casting (broadcast) of Spells. Broad-Casting of a Net–
How are People Being Dumbed Down So Extensively?
“Right becomes the wrong and left become the right” Dire Straits
Awaken With JP
Makes Me Laugh and Cry at The Same Time
JP’s Best Video Production Yet! I love his “this just in!” hot news.
And His YouTube Channel
New []Covid Rules in the U.K. Get Ready[] they will come to the U.S Next
Get Ready for the New Rules of []Medical Tyranny[] coming to your town soon.
What is C.O.V.I.D? []Certificate of Vacks Scene Identification (I.D.) contrived and began in 20(19) AKA “COVID19”.[]
UK COVID19 NEW LOCKDOWN RULES (Either upload this wordpad file and open with wordpad or read below.) These rules were originally published at both and in the newspaper the Telegraph UK and read by Mr. Johnson AKA Boris .
“Six feet apart” is now LAW in the UK. “Rule of Six” means six people can gather together in homes, & Six feet Under is where most people end up…are social distancing and C.V. rules actually a 666 satanic & barbaric ritual FROM HELL?
It sure as hell looks like it.
Continue reading “New []Covid Rules in the U.K. Get Ready[] they will come to the U.S Next”
Florida is Having Geo Magnetic Storms Nearly Every Day
The Storms Include a New Weird Super Bright Camera Flash Type of Lightening that set off my Microwave Leakage Detector.
Sidenote-(Get rid of your microwave or go in another room when destroying the nutrients in your food by microwaving. As for the new lightening and my meter tests, I only did one test so I need to do more experiments with the detector meter to confirm the statement of lightening putting out microwaves according to the meter. The readings were low by the way and did not exceed safe limits. There are variables to consider more on that later.
Update “Interactive .gov air ozone map” Hidden in plain sight.
Health effects of ground level air ozone
The new lightening is similar to the old “heat lightening” we used to get but VERY different still. Much harsher, brighter, and we are losing electronics because of the hard and fast strikes. Its gotten so bad that I unplug everything thats delicate like TV’s computers, router, dvr’s, charge controllers solar and so on because I am NOT replacing them all YET AGAIN.
The Last Strike Earlier This Month.
Last time we had a hard strike I lost 2 dvr’s, Direct tv swim, 1 charge controller(solar), 1 TV, and TV 2 no longer can connect to internet which means the electricity travelled not only through the electric cords but also through the ethernet. The whole house is hard wired. What IF I had been running wifi?
Continue reading “Florida is Having Geo Magnetic Storms Nearly Every Day”
Joe Imbriano Fullerton Informer
Perhaps The “Typhoid Mary” Concept Was Always a LIE

I see the historical setting now in my minds eye. A beautiful woman the lover of some high ranking politician back in the days the beast system for propaganda sake named “The dark ages”. Well that paints a picture in itself doesn’t it.
The dark ages for the beast perhaps, because people GREW THEIR OWN FOOD and could not be controlled and poisoned by their chemical potions.
Continue reading “Perhaps The “Typhoid Mary” Concept Was Always a LIE”
The Elites Have Gone too Far and Outed Themselves by their Dialogue
Truth in Plain Sight by Dorothy R. Stirrum
Know them by who they show you they are not by who they tell you they are.
Dana’s video today see here was very enlightening. By it I realized the following.
Dana showed a clip of an Australian officer of some sort, stating that people should get their daily exercise and then go straight home! Because, he said “YOU COULD BE SPREADING THE VIRUS WHILE YOU HAVE NO SYMPTOMS”. God forbid!
Think about that statement …
Continue reading “The Elites Have Gone too Far and Outed Themselves by their Dialogue”
What Is Really Going On!….?
Vital Update Fake Sun Article
Why have they shut down the WORLD?
If you know what’s really going on behind the C.V. shutdown please email Jazweeh at with your information or theory.
See List of Possible Scenarios (corporate motives) Below.
Many people in the YT community are saying the Corona Virus illness/death statistics are fudged. Everyone I talk to in Florida and family know no-one first hand who is sick. I even talked to a man from China whose family is still in China and neither he or his family know anyone personally who is sick with pneumonia symptoms or Cv type illness. I talked to a man at the store whose wife is a trauma nurse at Shands Hospital in Gainesville she said there are zero cases at Shands.
So why would our federal controllers want us at home paralyzed with fear,
Fresh New Face on YouTube Worth a Look! JeffSnyder2
JeffSnyder2 On YouTube has captivating Truth Videos on Pertinent Truth Topics.
This truck driving You Tuber is a wizz….he knows himself therefore he knows human behavior which creates in him uncanny discernment. All Jeff has to do is talk and I learn from him. Seriously! This guy’s videos are on the way up as long as YT doesn’t vanquish him again! Why would YouTube be so afraid of someone who has just a hand full (298) of subscribers? Short answer-TRUTH. Check it out guys.
Jeff also has a .com at with some of his videos there as well.
Logic Before Authority on YouTube
Heads Up! Get involved in the Truth movement. Send your important information about real time events to Daniel Alexander Cannot at his email and send him authentic videos of hospitals.
logicbeforeauthority@gmail HOSPITAL FOOTAGE (subject)
Video posted by permission for and
Joe Imbriano of the Fullerton Informer/EMF SAFETY Article Links
CoronaVirus and EMF Safety. For emf solutions see articles (3) below.
Solutions to EMF Put it this way folks the only place you will find the dangers of emf outlined without confusion seems to be where protections from it are being sold. 925ghz is the weapon used for crowd control. Your microwave runs on 2.4ghz range w/watts to back it up and the closed in space. Here are a few safety articles to avoid unnecessary emf.
Continue reading “Joe Imbriano of the Fullerton Informer/EMF SAFETY Article Links”