HOPE IS OUR HELMET OF SALVATION. WITHOUT IT WE ARE SQUITTLED. Nurture Hope. For without it we under the mind control of the towers of babble and bray which surround as on all sides.
“MANY are the afflictions of the righteous yet the Lord God Almighty delivers them out of them all.”
I watched a video of a man who is convinced that we are in Hell. Bless his heart. He has some very good points. Furthermore it’s nice to hear someone who isn’t a parrot like the youtube christians in their limited ideas of the supernatural.
We thank you S. Peters for your work in this move and the many people who have stood up and shared death statistics in spite of strong opposition by widespread sin sure ship efforts.
Rev. 9:5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
Do NOT watch this if you were back sin ate Ed. with the clot chot.
If the Anthony (video) is correct remember this. God Almighty said He would forgive those in the last days when they repent of following the beast. They were deceived.
Truth Can Be Terrifying. Warning. Jazweeh sees into the darkness of the spirit realm. This is not a happy article. It covers the mark & image of the beast. And covers the Locust from the pit (revelation) & the wing of abomination as she sees it.
Once We See the Manipulation in all technology Anger is the Natural Reaction
This article is dismal. But there is Hope lingering. Evil’s time is short. The internet could of been so much more. Instead the beast heards the humans as cattle into categories by threat level with numbers and letters on every ‘mark’.
Why most people will never deprogram and become who they really are. Deprogram to learn their own heart, to accept the human condition, and to seek God in Truth.
Because it involves great Truth by courage to expose one's own heart to another human. Becoming vulnerable. #2 It cannot happen with out God's help. #3 Most people will never seek God at length. Most people will never put God above all their desires. Why? The flesh fights against this. Seeking God at depth requires great desperation and often disaster is needed that triggers motivation that cause sincerity toward God. #4 To become the clay means to seek God no matter the cost. Men know they cannot seek God with all their heart without some horrible or at best an uncomfortable situation making them desperate. Deep down in their hearts humans do not trust God with control. They will avoid the possibility of trials and struggle at all costs. This is understandable. And it's why they say "Be careful what you pray for". To become the clay in God's different with each person. Only God knows what it will take for me and you to become children of God. It's worth it.
You want Truth?
Do you know your a slave? Do you know you have been programmed? Dramatically and thoroughly PROGRAMMED? I apologize but it takes seven years minimum to deprogram and learn one’s own heart.
In Short? YES! This article is spiritually considered “meat” not milk. It may be unpalatable for some to read.
Looks to me like a wall of demons lifting up the antichrist spirit.
How would you know– ‘Angry Jane’, what Jesus is up to?
Good question! Let me share with you all that I see.
Keep in mind we do not know in what manner Jesus is returning. Surely it will not be in the flesh. Surely He is not going to do that again. He will return in a spiritual way. Such as filling up all His children to the brim with His Spirit and by transfiguration changing them, us.
“Not all shall sleep but we shall all be changed.”
The River of Fire Awaits Unto Nothingness the Souls of Men
The Bible read at one time, “Is it not the right of the Creator to create some beings fashioned for for destruction purposes while others destine to be His children?” Of course it is.
Forgive me Anthony I thought you were a shill because you pushed the “patch” that is not. And because your name matches the patch you promote. I see now you & your life partner are one of the FEW who see the snark of the feast.
Get Ready for the New Rules of []Medical Tyranny[] coming to your town soon.
What is C.O.V.I.D? []Certificate of Vacks Scene Identification (I.D.) contrived and began in 20(19) AKA “COVID19”.[]
UK COVID19 NEW LOCKDOWN RULES (Either upload this wordpad file and open with wordpad or read below.) These rules were originally published at both and in the newspaper the Telegraph UK and read by Mr. Johnson AKA Boris .
“Six feet apart” is now LAW in the UK. “Rule of Six” means six people can gather together in homes, & Six feet Under is where most people end up…are social distancing and C.V. rules actually a 666 satanic & barbaric ritual FROM HELL?
Satan Has Fallen and The Dragon Shall Now Rise on Earth
What does the spaceX Dragon Rocket flight mean in spiritual terms and decoded? The Beast/Dragon is here and is rising.
Jazweeh had a real time vision while in a dream sleeping. She was startled as Satan himself approached her in her front yard. He is here on Earth now. She and I am sure of it. He has fallen like lightening. It is done. Many saw him fall to earth over Turkey and Armenia like lightening or meteorite.
Below in pink shows how you get #666 from MAN-6 x COMPUTER- 111=BIO-TECH=666. The Beast IS bio-tech. Don’t take the upgrade!
Also man was created on the sixth day Genesis. 6 biblically represents man but there is more.
This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
The Bible is NOT The Word of God Jesus is The Word of God forever fixed in Heaven. The Book never was God or The Word of God and should not be worshipped as such. However the book quickly being corrupted day by day did and still does have words inspired by God written by men.
“In the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God.”
Yes Obama is one of the antichrist figures of the last days. I tried to pray for him once and I saw he has a block over him protecting him from all Christian prayers.
The False prophet who put Gates of Hell into power is a prophet indeed. He also has inside informations which makes him a false prophet of finance. His pet name is the Oracle of Omaha. He literally have Gates foundations all his money according to internet info. So who is the first antichrist? That would be duck bill Gates of Hell. He devised the mark of the beast. And he also is in close contact with War On Buffet the F.Prophet!
GMO Mosquito’s/animals/insects. GMO produce/food, fruit, veggies. And of course GMO Hue Mens.
Popes don’t generally prophecy. Plus the men in red hats were the only restrainer to corporate evil. But they fell after centuries of warfare at the fall of the great cathedrals. The lightning strikes to the many statues. And the burning of the Notre Dame cathedral. These were all about the tech wars (Gog- (google) and the rising of the beast who is much worse than the Harlot. Many warriors who the red hats employed to protect the realm of mankind died for the cause. While christians criticize and mock all aspects of the Catholic organization.
In 2020 the beast showed to us it’s one world domination. But it’s time is short! Gates and Buffet merely represent the dark realm of the beast. They are the figure heads from hell.
Quote in Obama’s address to the nations. As he pretended to quote the bible scripture “be still and know that I am God”. He was actually claiming to be God…..don’t doubt it. Fulfilling the prophecy of end times. “claiming himself to be God.” 2nd Thess. 2