Revelation 13, Why is The Number of Man 666

Below in pink shows how you get #666 from MAN-6 x COMPUTER- 111=BIO-TECH=666.  The Beast IS bio-tech.  Don’t take the upgrade!

Also man was created on the sixth day Genesis.  6 biblically represents man but there is more.

This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.

The Bible is NOT The Word of God Jesus is The Word of God forever fixed in Heaven.  The Book never was God or The Word of God and should not be worshipped as such.  However the book quickly being corrupted day by day did and still does have words inspired by God written by men.

“In the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God.”


The Beast System Revealed in “666”

Mankind is made up of body, spirit, and soul.  Each portion is 33.3% of the man.  Meaning 3 parts, of 33.3% together equals 99.9999% man. A complete man with  Soul, Holy Spirit, & Body.

Therefore when we come into this world we lack the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit comes into us when we seek God and by the laying on of hands by other believers who have the Holy Spirit already.  (usually though be sure God doesn’t go by man’s rules).

So that simply means we begin life with only 33.3% soul and 33.3% body which equals 66.6%.  Hence the number of man.  Special thanks to Nicholson1968 on Youtube for allowing us to post his videos to spread the warnings from the watcher on the wall.

Then we seek God with our whole heart and He gives us His Spirit.  It is written He gives to those who ask.  I have heard testimonies of those who asked for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and got it soon after.  “How much more will God give good things to those who ask.”

Now the preacher also said this which makes sense.  That you can only receive the Holy Spirit when in the body.  If you don’t have a body then its too late.  Meaning if you die your body dies therefore you cannot be “born again” of Spirit as the body is already dead.  To receive the Holy Spirit the Spirit needs the body “a temple” to live in and dwell in our human bodies.  Hence the scripture of the clay and the precious pearl inside the clay vase.

2 Corinthians 4:7 The scripture about the Precious pearl inside the broken vessel or the clay pot doesn’t exist in its true form. The closest I can get to it is New International Version which has lost the meaning of precious pearl (Holy Spirit) inside the clay vessel pot. “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.”

I admit since Jesus mentioned “forgiveness in this life or the life to come” I thought perhaps, and it may be so, that some things can be forgiven after death.  But that isn’t the same as being born again and receiving the Holy Spirit.  This is a MUST to do NOW.

“Unless a man be born again he cannot ENTER, ENTER, (not see) the kingdom of God.”  Scriptures are changing rapidly folks.

Additional info on the Biblical Meaning of 666

Three people in the Bible stand out as special adversaries of God and his people. They are Goliath the giant who fought King David, King Nebuchadnezzar of the Babylonian Empire and the End Time Antichrist. Each, in one way or another, has the mark of this special numeric.

Biblical Reference to 666

Goliath, who fought David when he was quite young, had a height of 6 cubits, had 6 pieces of armor, and his spear’s head weighed 600 shekels of iron (1Samuel 17:4 – 7). Nebuchadnezzar, the great King of Babylon, set up a “golden image” in the plain of Dura. He commanded all who he ruled over to worship it or else be thrown into a furnace of fire. The idol was 60 cubits high and 6 cubits wide (Daniel 3:1). The last special adversary is the Antichrist, whose name numbers to 666 (Revelation 13:18).

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