There’s No Escaping The Creators Harvest Time


But we can get the pass to the New Earth or Heaven…or Lake of Fire which is the soul death.  Not a torture chamber.  At least not for the average person.  Biblical verses do say that the Serpents who have hurt His children will suffer a long torturous consequence.  And then end up in Hell.

Naomi Wolf Investigative Reporter on Youtube channel blckbx

Watch on youtube “If Europe does not wake up, you will all be dead says Naomi Wolf author of “Facing the Beast”

The illness is in the cure. The administered cure is the problem in other words.  The cure is the cause of the illness!

Continue reading “There’s No Escaping The Creators Harvest Time”

Are We In Hell? Some Say We Are.



HOPE IS OUR HELMET OF SALVATION.  WITHOUT IT WE ARE SQUITTLED.  Nurture Hope.  For without it we under the mind control of the towers of babble and bray which surround as on all sides.

“MANY are the afflictions of the righteous yet the Lord God Almighty delivers them out of them all.”

I watched a video of a man who is convinced that we are in Hell.  Bless his heart.  He has some very good points.  Furthermore it’s nice to hear someone who isn’t a parrot like the youtube christians in their limited ideas of the supernatural.

Continue reading “Are We In Hell? Some Say We Are.”

Fallen Angel Million Dollar Club $$.

Tales by Angry Jane.

DISCLAIMER: Mike from around the world does not co-sign this particular article it’s an alternative viewpoint by Angry Jane.  We believe our readers are mature enough to allow free thought and free ideas online.

Most Christians who follow rapture channels on youtube won’t like this article much.  It contradicts popular beliefs about fallen angels.


That demons below and Angels above have equal names and mirrored existences.

Where there is an Azazel below.  There is an Azazeliel above.  God made three realms of Earth in perfect balance.  However middle Earth where we are is completely out of balance with evil dominating.

Demon Azazel/Azazeliel

Demons bad, Angels good.  Angels cannot be tempted by flesh since they are Spirit.


Angels are not flesh to be tempted of demons.  They are spirit. They are not in a position where they need to choose between evil and good.  Holy Angels always do exactly what God Almighty made them to do.  They are good ministering Spirits.  And have many helps for mankind.  Every person has an Angel to get to know.  There are NO EVIL DARK ANGELS.  It is a contradiction of terms and blasphemy toward God’s Deity to say they are evil.


Continue reading “Fallen Angel Million Dollar Club $$.”

Answers-California & Canada Fires

How to Prevent Burning Down The House

How do we prevent the coming house super fires like in California.  Fires that burned every inch of the homes it consumed.  What’s with all the new type fires?  What’s with the new internal tree fires?  What’s with the new super-hot ceramic & porcelain bathtub burning stove melting FIRES????

ANSWERS by Spiritual Insight & intelectual surmise.  Yes theory but don’t stop reading now.  Study the matter then take it or leave it.

Continue reading “Answers-California & Canada Fires”

Fake Sun News


New Theory Updated at this link.  

“The Sun will go dim and the moon not give it’s light”.  Luminaries will not keep their places.  Perhaps God sent us the Red and Blue Kachina’s because the sun went dim.  Of course he would foresee man making a fake replacement sun to save the trees and stuff.  The four angels are here.  The media calls them “Mars, Venus” and who knows what else.

Continue reading “Fake Sun News”

Pale Horse Rides. Stew Peters Movie Exclusive

We thank you S. Peters for your work in this move and the many people who have stood up and shared death statistics in spite of strong opposition by widespread sin sure ship efforts.

Rev. 9:5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

Do NOT watch this if you were back sin ate Ed. with the clot chot.

The Suns Will Explode

The New Earth is Coming

Then what is coming in the Future?

A man once told me, as I spoke of God to him, he said, “its not so much what you can get from God that matters (such as Heaven and a new body/paradise etc.) as much as what you bring to God of yourself that makes the grade.”

A light went off when he said those words to me.  What do I have to bring to the Kingdom of God?  Can I be trusted to do God’s work?  Will I hurt His children?  Will I deceive them with lies?

I share my heart with you.  I hope to God I am not mistaken.

Continue reading “The Suns Will Explode”


Return in 2024 Around April 8

What I saw when looking with my back to the sun in the outer reflection of my sun glasses holding & pointing glasses behind me.

If the human has not sought out his/her Creator and searched for the meaning of life yet let me give the human the answers I my God gave me.  There is only one reason for humanity on Earth.  We must all choose our eternal homes.  All must choose.  Whether consciously or subconsciously we all make our choice of eternities home.  How??

By our choices and actions toward others.  By our efforts in finding our Creator & attaining our plan of Salvation’s Hope.  And by our words.  The links below will tell the human which one they are at present.  All Lions were once goats & wolves.  We do not know if there is time to change identities.  Time is late.

Goats, Wolves, Serpents.

Sheep, Lambs, Lions

An electrical arc is an electrical malfunction that happens when wires and systems can’t handle the amount of electro-current going through its system of lines.  The Sun’s Arc of God will occur in the new White Sun causing great disaster.  A solar panel can ark if you unplug it from batteries in full sun causing a burst of violet coronal discharge. (more explanation on corona discharge below)


Move Over CERN “Electromagnetic Flux Takes the Cake…


“God created men upright, but they have sought out many vices.”  Original scripture was in Proverbs.

Record Breaking Magnetic Field 50 Million Times Stronger Than Earth’s Created by Scientists who never ask “should we” but only ask “can we” and then do.  Source1

Source 2


The Japanese invented the most powerful emf plasma field known to man.  A magnetic field generated  using the new “electromagnetic flux-compression (EMFC) technique.”

Continue reading “Move Over CERN “Electromagnetic Flux Takes the Cake…”

HOW TO DEPROGRAM From The System of The Beast


Short answer is at the bottom of the article.

Why most people will never deprogram and become who they really are. Deprogram to learn their own heart, to accept the human condition, and to seek God in Truth.

Because it involves great Truth by courage to expose one's own heart to another human.  Becoming vulnerable.  #2 It cannot happen with out God's help.  #3 Most people will never seek God at length. Most people will never put God above all their desires.  Why?  The flesh fights against this.  Seeking God at depth requires great desperation and often disaster is needed that triggers motivation that cause sincerity toward God.  #4 To become the clay means to seek God no matter the cost.  Men know they cannot seek God with all their heart without some horrible or at best an uncomfortable situation making them desperate.   Deep down in their hearts humans do not trust God with control. They will avoid the possibility of trials and struggle at all costs.  This is understandable.  And it's why they say "Be careful what you pray for".  To become the clay in God's different with each person.  Only God knows what it will take for me and you to become children of God.  It's worth it.

You want Truth?


Do you know your a slave?    Do you know you have been programmed?  Dramatically and thoroughly PROGRAMMED?  I apologize but it takes seven years minimum to deprogram and learn one’s own heart.

Continue reading “HOW TO DEPROGRAM From The System of The Beast”

The Earth Shall Burn But the Children of God Shall be Protected

The Third Angel Speaks to the Scribe of God Named Jazweeh

Revelation 16:8 is at hand.

The angel is as a firebird brilliant and beautiful sacred and true she is God’s beautiful Deity.   And she flies now.  She says she can only be seen and heard by The Spirit.  She is the sacred.   Watch carefully how ye speak of deity spoken of as “fallen” for they are all sacred anointed vessels of God’s holy will.

I call her Kachina because God told me of the Blue star coming back in 2012 or so.  The prophecy of the Blue & Red Kachina is the same as the four angels in Revelation.

Continue reading “The Earth Shall Burn But the Children of God Shall be Protected”

To All The Watchmen On The Wall on YouTube

To All the Watchman on The Wall Who Hail the Warnings of the Coming Day.

(scroll to watchmen links)

If you like dates see the date predictions of Jazweeh.

Know this.  I understand you are alone in your truth.  TO BE A TRUE WATCHMEN IS TO BE ALONE.

I understand what it is like to hail a message that is often a ‘rock of offense’ and more often rejected as folly than appreciated.   We go on!  By perseverance we proclaim Jesus in the face of adversaries, unbelievers, and mockers.

Continue reading “To All The Watchmen On The Wall on YouTube”

Spiritual Gifts & Powers

Spiritual Power

No, we are not saved by the right works & works alone.  Granted you could say everything is works even prayer and a relationship with God are works.  But by works I mean “good deeds”.  It is our Faith and our condition of the heart toward God & man that God looks upon in us.  Our status in the realm of The Spirit after death however, depends on the works we have carried out while vulnerable, naive, weak, and human.  Courageous righteous acts carry alot of weight like giving your life so another can live.  Do we not reap what we sow?

Continue reading “Spiritual Gifts & Powers”

The SoundS of Silence Simon & Garfunkel

Prophecy of the Coming Age of Bio-Tech Zombies Who Sport the Mark of the Beast

The Sounds of Silence (post M.Effect. “sound of silence”) Simon & Garfunkel….”the words of the prophets are written on the subway wall & tenement hall”…

Scroll for lyrics without commentary below.

Lyrics & Commentary

Hello darkness, my old friend
I’ve come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping-If you shut off emf (router,phone,tv,etc) while you sleep you will wake up with new knowledge as God Himself or His aids teach you while you sleep.
And the vision that was planted in my brain—thoughts and history are now being implanted in human brains by wifi.  False history is here and people preferred the lie the LIE.

Still remains
Within the sound of silence

Continue reading “The SoundS of Silence Simon & Garfunkel”

New []Covid Rules in the U.K. Get Ready[] they will come to the U.S Next

Get Ready for the New Rules of []Medical Tyranny[] coming to your town soon.

What is C.O.V.I.D?  []Certificate of Vacks Scene Identification (I.D.) contrived and began in 20(19) AKA “COVID19”.[]

UK COVID19 NEW LOCKDOWN RULES   (Either upload this wordpad file and open with wordpad or read below.) These rules were originally published at both and in the newspaper the Telegraph UK and read by Mr. Johnson AKA Boris .

“Six feet apart” is now LAW in the UK. “Rule of Six” means six people can gather together in homes, & Six feet Under is where most people end up…are social distancing and C.V. rules actually a 666 satanic & barbaric ritual FROM HELL?

It sure as hell looks like it.

Continue reading “New []Covid Rules in the U.K. Get Ready[] they will come to the U.S Next”

Update on Corona Discharge Theory & Prediction Premonition

Article Written by Laura E. guest writer.

Update “Interactive .gov air ozone map”  Hidden in plain sight.


Ozone Air Quality Health Effects.

The Corona phenomenon a violet glow, and hissing noise plus a production of ozone gas in an overhead transmission line is known as corona discharge.

The “HISS” of a Serpent No Less 

Here is link to a very long and very technical article about what Corona discharge (C.D.) is. This article is a synopsis of the longer article.

Corona Discharges create purple light flashes and a hissing sound if your close to it.

What is Corona Discharge?

Continue reading “Update on Corona Discharge Theory & Prediction Premonition”


The Elite who have been very hard to predict to a “T” in the past, are now becoming very predictable as they crush small business, while the masses lose their jobs now they can hire our own people against us.

The Gaggle Ad below popped up on site I visit.

You can bet these blind & sleeping (and the unknowing needy & desperate) who take FEMA jobs will care nothing about anyone as long as they get their paycheck.  And the power will go straight to their head.  They will enjoy the violence and have no regrets because “hey we are just doing our job” and what?  That rationalizes any action?

Was George Floyde One of The Prophesied “Two Witnesses” Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES?


Why are so many people trashing this murdered guy’s reputation?  I got an email today saying “he was a porn star”.  Thing is born again Christians ALWAYS have tainted pasts.  That is the miracle about being born again.  God changes our heart, actions, wants, likes,morals.

Continue reading “Was George Floyde One of The Prophesied “Two Witnesses” Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES?”