Showcasing Kimberly K. Ballard Author & Youtube Content Provider

Miss Kimberly Ballard. Expert on Jewish Traditions, Holy days, Prophecy, Literature, and more.

She has a channel on Youtube called “Elijah & Moses” channel.

Scroll past the videos for Kimbery’s Book ‘Aaron’s Rod The Messiah KING Of Israel’ by Kimberly K Ballard link & Credentials.


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New []Covid Rules in the U.K. Get Ready[] they will come to the U.S Next

Get Ready for the New Rules of []Medical Tyranny[] coming to your town soon.

What is C.O.V.I.D?  []Certificate of Vacks Scene Identification (I.D.) contrived and began in 20(19) AKA “COVID19”.[]

UK COVID19 NEW LOCKDOWN RULES   (Either upload this wordpad file and open with wordpad or read below.) These rules were originally published at both and in the newspaper the Telegraph UK and read by Mr. Johnson AKA Boris .

“Six feet apart” is now LAW in the UK. “Rule of Six” means six people can gather together in homes, & Six feet Under is where most people end up…are social distancing and C.V. rules actually a 666 satanic & barbaric ritual FROM HELL?

It sure as hell looks like it.

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Quantum Dot Needle Array & Legal Censorship

Quantum Dot Tattoo Conspiracy & Censorship

Long Short of It two topics?

The following excerpt from the article in the new humanitarian says its okay and even vital to censor information on social media using posting bots.  They post their own agendas as if they were real people.  Not just be deleting posts but also posting calling it “FREE PLACEMENT” to have corporate dictators propaganda efforts accomplished.  This results in the twisting of the minds of those who are unaware of mind control and its strong successful manipulation of humans.

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