Are We In Hell? Some Say We Are.



HOPE IS OUR HELMET OF SALVATION.  WITHOUT IT WE ARE SQUITTLED.  Nurture Hope.  For without it we under the mind control of the towers of babble and bray which surround as on all sides.

“MANY are the afflictions of the righteous yet the Lord God Almighty delivers them out of them all.”

I watched a video of a man who is convinced that we are in Hell.  Bless his heart.  He has some very good points.  Furthermore it’s nice to hear someone who isn’t a parrot like the youtube christians in their limited ideas of the supernatural.

Continue reading “Are We In Hell? Some Say We Are.”


CO-ED IS USED IN THIS ARTICLE JUST SOUND THE STRANGE WORDS OUT ALOUD you will hear the real words.  Some words are inverted with mixed letters like co-ed means code.

The Stealth War against humanity.  The slaughter of mankind without firing a shot.  Our air is compromised and many times when we think we have a sickness it’s likely that we have breathed too much carbon monoxide.  But this article is about sinister evil rulers who apparently hate us.

Continue reading “THE END GAME of the BEAST”

Pale Horse Rides. Stew Peters Movie Exclusive

We thank you S. Peters for your work in this move and the many people who have stood up and shared death statistics in spite of strong opposition by widespread sin sure ship efforts.

Rev. 9:5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

Do NOT watch this if you were back sin ate Ed. with the clot chot.

Internet Tries to Manipulate. Unseen Evil In the Great Tribulation

Truth Can Be Terrifying.  Warning.   Jazweeh sees into the darkness of the spirit realm.  This is not a happy article.  It covers the mark & image of the beast.  And covers the Locust from the pit (revelation) & the wing of abomination as she sees it.

Once We See the Manipulation in all technology Anger is the Natural Reaction

This article is dismal.  But there is Hope lingering.  Evil’s time is short.  The internet could of been so much more.  Instead the beast heards the humans as cattle into categories by threat level with numbers and letters on every ‘mark’.

Continue reading “Internet Tries to Manipulate. Unseen Evil In the Great Tribulation”

SEVERAL New Blood Types Now Categorized

But “Its not the mark, its not the mark” to the tune of Bethovan’s 5th.

Move over CRISPR tech! mRNA design w/nano is here. The keys of gold to human cellular nucleus are now in the hands of the beast. The beast who has called us monkeys from the start.
IT AIN’T PRETTY! DANGER! Says the Crypt Master. This article should only be read by free thinkers.

Warning – This article contains the “F” word. Also it has some coded words.  Please, Don’t read this article if you took the portion potion and stand for the system who gave it.  Unless you had a bad initial reaction and did not take any more of them.  And if you no longer trust the beast.  Then you may want to read further.   You may also like

FOR NEW BLOOD TYPES YOU NEED NEW DNA CELL LINES. All New. triple strand in science is a thing.

Continue reading “SEVERAL New Blood Types Now Categorized”

An Important Word from Jazweeh of A-Z Prophecy

Prophecy Fulfillments LINK below

I am not going to post the fulfilled Biblical prophecies here, I fear I will lose you to it.  They are on Jazweeh’s site.  There are no traditional or well known common preacher type interpretations to these A-Z fulfillments.  They are of PRIVATE INTERPRETATION.   Jazweeh is the 144 army of God therefore her insight is spirit lead not from the voice or picture show of the beast Image/TV.

Recipe for Dark Transfiguration.  Making man in the image of the beast.

How to turn a man into 33.3% beast making man in evil’s image.  Code “GMO Panzies”.

Recipe of Jabba.   

Continue reading “An Important Word from Jazweeh of A-Z Prophecy”

The Earth Shall Burn But the Children of God Shall be Protected

The Third Angel Speaks to the Scribe of God Named Jazweeh

Revelation 16:8 is at hand.

The angel is as a firebird brilliant and beautiful sacred and true she is God’s beautiful Deity.   And she flies now.  She says she can only be seen and heard by The Spirit.  She is the sacred.   Watch carefully how ye speak of deity spoken of as “fallen” for they are all sacred anointed vessels of God’s holy will.

I call her Kachina because God told me of the Blue star coming back in 2012 or so.  The prophecy of the Blue & Red Kachina is the same as the four angels in Revelation.

Continue reading “The Earth Shall Burn But the Children of God Shall be Protected”

Bob Barber at End Times Dreams & Visions

Some Christians are expecting to be raptured before any great tribulation problems occur.  My question is this…if they/we are not raptured along with the young children will we be so pissed we curse God?  Or will we seek God even more fervently and sustain Hope for whatever His will is for us.  That is the wisdom.  “Thy will be done in my life”.  This isn’t easy to pray sometimes.

Sorry folks the video was removed by the uploader.

New []Covid Rules in the U.K. Get Ready[] they will come to the U.S Next

Get Ready for the New Rules of []Medical Tyranny[] coming to your town soon.

What is C.O.V.I.D?  []Certificate of Vacks Scene Identification (I.D.) contrived and began in 20(19) AKA “COVID19”.[]

UK COVID19 NEW LOCKDOWN RULES   (Either upload this wordpad file and open with wordpad or read below.) These rules were originally published at both and in the newspaper the Telegraph UK and read by Mr. Johnson AKA Boris .

“Six feet apart” is now LAW in the UK. “Rule of Six” means six people can gather together in homes, & Six feet Under is where most people end up…are social distancing and C.V. rules actually a 666 satanic & barbaric ritual FROM HELL?

It sure as hell looks like it.

Continue reading “New []Covid Rules in the U.K. Get Ready[] they will come to the U.S Next”

Update on Corona Discharge Theory & Prediction Premonition

Article Written by Laura E. guest writer.

Update “Interactive .gov air ozone map”  Hidden in plain sight.


Ozone Air Quality Health Effects.

The Corona phenomenon a violet glow, and hissing noise plus a production of ozone gas in an overhead transmission line is known as corona discharge.

The “HISS” of a Serpent No Less 

Here is link to a very long and very technical article about what Corona discharge (C.D.) is. This article is a synopsis of the longer article.

Corona Discharges create purple light flashes and a hissing sound if your close to it.

What is Corona Discharge?

Continue reading “Update on Corona Discharge Theory & Prediction Premonition”

Know Them By Who They Show You They Are

Not by who they tell you they are Re Billionaire Bill Gates.

Corona Virus Scam Exposed by 7th Day Truth Seeker on YouTube.  See the video here

With such high stakes $$$ we can only wonder, did they concoct the supposed illness?  Men would literally KILL for this kind of profit margin.

Bill’s Method of Operation We are seeing a pattern here.