Eyes Without a Face -Shaking My Head Productions

Choose now whom you shall serve. A man cannot serve two masters. I was kicked out of Traitor Joe’s for not wearing a mask even though I stated “pre existing condition” according to Florida mandates the rule is voluntary anyway.


Nevertheless I live in a democratic town wear EVERYONE I see in food stores wear the mask except me of course.  Excepting when I am at the hardware store or lumber yard.  Places where blue collar workers and men with a DIY attitude buy tools and such.

Remember this, mental torture includes threats.  And a threat that you won’t be able to buy or sell without a mask or back scene is a form of mental torture.  Therefore when you watch this video keep that in mind.

Once you know your being mentally manipulated to be afraid of the future its much easier to avoid that particular fear.  Granted I am not saying it won’t happen.  But I know this…Satan want will participants.  If its “mandatory” to receive a mark or wear a mask then its not willing servitude and we are innocent.

There MUST be a choice involved in taking the mark of Satan and embracing it.  We must have an alternative such as “pre existing condition”.  Those are the magic words people.  Say it nice and say it with feeling to the barking men and woman standing at the entrance of the stores.

What to say to the Mask Police to be excused from wearing it.


PLEASE, STAND WITH ME For Freedom.  IF YOU COMPLY TO THE MASK it will be harder to refuse the prick.(Gates of Hell Vakz).

Thanks again to the producers of “Shaking My Head Productions” for the sharing of their video in the name of Truth.  I think the owner of the YT channel is a guy named KJ who also has other channels.

What can I say folks.  I know how to pick em.  Another vid bites the dust.  Eyes without a face Shaking my head productions is removed without a trace.

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