Jeff’s Christmas Revelation a Programming Scheme of Old

The Great Deception a Ploy Called Christmas & Santa (Satan) Claus/Claws/The Satan Clause

Pause at the * stanzas    (Reading the Script voices of Narrator, Liars, and Children.)


Twas another night before Christmas and the children all did say______

“Our hearts have now, been broken, NO SANTA COMES THIS DAY!*

We trusted in our loved ones we believed in all their drule when they told us the kind stories of glad tidings and yule.”*

Ignorant Liars-

“We meant it not, it was a game, a ruse we say, for fun proclaim! *

No longer are you a babe in arms to believe any lie to swallow any charm.*

Believing in the lies of a sweet savory dream is cut out for the innocent the full (not fool) hearted for our scheme.*

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