GMO Food. GMO Humans.

Article by Laura E.  Unedited for typos.  Please excuse the typos.  If you can volunteer your text editing skills & time please email me at

Below article #2 who is the restrainer?

Take a look at the dark pitch forked Source Code of the Pie Zar Back Scene-for real.

Sidenote-Why you cannot research the back scenes easily or clearly and why it takes years to find truth about them.  The main reason is semantics.  Every word term is confused with ten other words that mean the same thing.  This tactic of word play is used in every back scene article by the makers of the back scenes.  Opposite of forthright? Cunning, baffling, and evasive is their every article as they paint a happy colorful storyline about every motive, factor, and scientific discovery regarding genetic human engineering both cut splice and editing.

For over a year or even two I have studied to understand the back scene’s core agenda.

So I can put it into laymen’s terms for you and warn everyone of it’s function.  Most of us already know corporate food if possible is poisoned.    Gmo foods are wrong and bad.  Corn can no longer be eaten due to the spreading of the genetics even into true authentic God made Heirloom seed.  Spreading like a genetic virus they say heirloom crops become infected by nearby GMO crops due to the pollination process.  And so on.  I am tired of looking into he face of the beast.  But I must continue.

Continue reading “GMO Food. GMO Humans.”

Prevent Corona Virus (possible cure)

PLEASE NOTE I Need to be clear on this: Clove is an ancient remedy that has withstood the test of time.

Read the First Paragraph for the recipe.

I wrote this in January 2020.  I now know I have been fighting off approximately 6-10 various new cold & flu strains by using Clove.  The Holy Spirit gave me this instinctive information.  As soon as you feel the scratchy throat or a tickle in your lungs take a shot of good strong clove extract.  Make it yourself.  Don’t buy the extracts.  Buy dried cloves.  Make the extract like you would tea.  Then refrigerate it.  Take it as often as symptoms come up.  Also take it regularly in shots.  Use 3-4 tablespoons of cloves with about 2 cups of water for the extract.

WARNING-DRINK PLENTY OF WATER.  Don’t over do your intake of clove.  Keep it under amount recommended by physicians.  For me  shots a day is plenty with lots of water.

Why?  My theory is this.  The back sin aided people are spreading their germs of 6-10 type flus.

Continue reading “Prevent Corona Virus (possible cure)”

Introducing The Beast System

Cancer by Design.  How to protect yourself from and even eventually cure Cancer

THE LONG SHORT OF IT-The first rule of thumb regarding your health is Prayer.  In all things pray for guidance on everything you do.  “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”  This scripture is no lie.  Know this-the preventions & cures for disease are in nature.  Live Plant food, good water, and avoiding many toxins are the keys to good health.


Continue reading “Introducing The Beast System”