Produce Now Rots from the Inside Out. Here’s Why.

Deceptive Produce “Apeel” Preservative a Plastic Spray.   Both organic and non-organic versions of the plastic spray.


Food now costs more than ever before.  Buy a beautiful bright green Avocado.  Looks healthy and great to eat ….right?

Then when you get your $7-$10 piece of produce home and feel it’s ripened and ready to eat…..its black on the inside and inedible.  $10 DOWN THE DRAIN AS USUAL.

I threw away $30 worth of rank produce last month due to fake food and Apeel deceptions.

The evil corporate factory food creators duped the human race.  They used convenience and poverty to create grocery store dependent slaves who rely on their toxic and fake ‘food’.

Reading ingredient labels is no longer reliable.  “generally regarded as safe” chemicals are not even listed on food labels.  All processed food is poison.  And now they finally got their wish.  They have trashed our produce.

Cancer is man made.  It’s one of the end of days plagues.

The beast made it impossible for average family income housewives to remain in their homes to raise their children .  And the beast stoled and crushed most all the farmers from years and years of manipulation.  They educated farming out of us by intent.

Making all the slaves get jobs (Job) because of the price of everything.  Recently they invented a new preservative that basically ONLY PRESERVES THE OUTSIDE OF THE PRODUCE.  AND THEY ARE SPRAYING IT ON EVERYTHING.  IT’S A PLASTIC PRESERVATIVE CALLED “APEEL”.

And now that beast is unrestrained by the Harlot who fell with the Cathedrals would have stopped their plastic preservative from being used by corporate pig “big food”.  But the Harlot was the restrainer powerful enough to hold back the beasts gen oh side for years on end.  The Harlot was a sect of the Catholic Church believe it or not.  They rode the beast for years by their powerful manipulation.  Until the antichrist finally took down the Harlot.

The fruit no longer ripens correctly.  We are seeing more and more videos on youtube of people showing fake produce and fake meat.  It’s terrifying.

I have pears in a basket on my porch in the sun that are a month old and still are not ripe.  They are hard and green appearing fresh.  I cut into one of them and they had almost no juice and no aroma whatsoever.  This isn’t the first time I have had produce appear healthy for months on end.  They are either fake fruit or they are rotten inside a plastic coating preserving the peel.

WE ARE IN THE GREAT TRIBULATION and the beast hates us with a passion.  If they could torture every one of us one on one they would.  Whoever they are they hide behind puppets who appear as leaders on the image of the beast tv/phone.

Whoever Gates of Hell represents they are the one’s committing Gene oh side.

All My Predictions are Guesses.  But I do have the Spirit of God.  I go by feelings and by the image of the beast’s narrative.  Sometimes they fulfill.  Other times they have not fulfilled yet.  But I did predict the crash of the dollar that’s not worth much now at all due to prices of everything at any store.

Just like the cryptocurrency scam of 2021 thereabout….the image of the beast drew in the little people to invest their hard earned real money.  For four years more gold has been sold purchased than probably ever.

Whose buying and whose been selling.  They say the banks are buying…that’s likely bullshit.  It’s the little people who have suffered the ads to buy gold over and over and over.

“They will throw their gold into the streets”  Ezekiel 7:19.

The gold plunge is coming very very soon.  Food will be worth more than gold even though they are making much food unclean and artificial spraying plastic on produce.  Changing the genome so it can withstand more and more poisons.

The many have no idea that they are in the great tribulation because they simply cannot see the Gene oh side all around them.

God protects His chosen.  And I am the prophet of doom persay….I met the Lion in the cave who granted me the gift of foresight.

One Reply to “Produce Now Rots from the Inside Out. Here’s Why.”

  1. You can NEVER go wrong 😑 if You invest in what GOD created.
    The wealth of the WICKED is stored up for the RIGHTEOUS.
    When they “throw “ it in the street- have you a BUCKET and grab it up.

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