Earth Reveals Itself by Itself


IN THE FIGHT FOR TRUTH we may be wrong from time to time.

As Above So Below.  One meaning of this phrase is that we can do experiments researching Earth’s nature and its Godly engineering.  If the experiments work on the ground then they work above.  In most cases.  The only thing not accounted for in my cosmology theory is the inertia that keeps the planets moving around Earth.  The rest is magnetics.

Earth and all Planets are Magnetic

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I Saw Evidence of The Magnetic Pole Shifts With My Own Eyes

Father Called Me to Watch the Sun Set In The End of April 2021

Article by Jazweeh & Ruth Edgar

I watched as the sun went down it moved so far North while moving down that I had to reset my position behind stationary trees 3-4 times.  Also I sketched what I believe God lead me to draw the path of the sun & moon on a flat bowl shaped convex earth.

Continue article to see Sun & Moon’s flat earth trajectory (we believe.) South to North of moon/sun cycle variances could be illustrated by numerous smaller “8s” inside the large “8”.  Each total 8 cycle a 24 hour period.

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