Censorship Of The Human Body by Genetics
Censorship at the Most Diabolical Levels
A fiction Article by Angry Jane
The link below is an article about “Gene Silencing”. Of course they have not cured Cancer yet, but don’t worry they will. Just as soon as they decide they don’t need the money it makes them.
The Road to the Gee Em Oh Human.
The elites ability to silence, eradicate, delete, mute, rip away any part of man-kinds humanity that isn’t convenient to them in plain sight.
Censorship at the most diabolical levels. Genetic “knock out” eradicating the freethinking DNA.
The Theys now have not only the ability to add DNA to a human’s body. But they can also eradicate, delete, crash, knockout, snuff out, mute or mutate any DNA strands they choose.