The True Gospel. The 144. Truth Undefiled.

First I Shall Share With You The True Gospel of Jesus

The true gospel of Jesus is not exactly written clearly in the books (bible) anymore.  Granted the story of Jesus coming to Earth, 1/2 man 1/2 God born of a virgin we have all heard over and over even unto redundancy on Youtube.  People share this by compulsion & by fear feeling obligation.




Ah the two moons show the dividing of time is upon the Earth. Those in one timeline and many in the other. Two times. Mean 2 realities. One of the wolf and One of The Son of God.  The Hopi prophesied of the split of time in so many words.

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My Remedies For Acute Lung Distress-Likely SARS CoV-2

by Angry Jane

Fear is the strength of the CV By-Russ.  So much fear programmed into us about it. Fear makes it 10 times worse even with panic attacks.  I feared I could not breath due to some traumatic breathing issues and made it 10 times worse.  More on this later.  This day I am turning it all over to God.  My many remedies are not working to cure me.  I choose to trust Jesus as He is my healer.

PS I don’t cosign this new name he states in video for Jesus. It’s likely pish posh. Still it’s a good little encourager video. I have learned finally to overlook the errors. I know the power of the Name of Jesus why would anyone who knows Jesus change His tried and true name?

If you read my chronicles on the by-russ process you will see I kept being nearly normal then oddly like an attack it would return.  My hope is now in the mighty hands of God.

Continue reading “My Remedies For Acute Lung Distress-Likely SARS CoV-2”