Don’t Take the Vaccine If…

CDC SAYS-Don’t Take the Vaccine if your allergic to the following (one or more of)

Sinenote:  Don’t miss my next in depth research article covering “what is the back scene really doing”  By painstaking study for months on end this article will reveal alot about the therapy at hand.

You would know your allergic to PEG (polyethylene Glycol for instance and its variations (like ethylene oxide depending on chemical composition of weight ) if you had some instance of being swabbed with PEG sanitized cotton swabs.  Like I had done during jaw surgery with swabs purified with ethylene oxide (a variation of PEG).  PEG is a know carcinogen. Severe swelling resulted from mucous membrane contact with the chemical PEG.

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Nightmare Dr. Colman Says Avoid those who are Vaccinated

Warning Fear Porn May be true or may be hype

Both these guys are full of it in my opinion by these two vids.  But they also have some good points…at times.


Sorry Matt but contrary to your statement THEY (the elite in charge) DO WANT US DEAD OR LIFE SHORTEND all you have to do is study FOOD for a few days.  Everything that comes from the store is poisoned do you not know that?  WAKE UP MR. MATT 10 YEAR TRUTHER self proclaimed.

Allegedly now with “pathogenic priming” that’s supposed to be a good scientific thing.  Granted all mRNA back scenes are BAD in my opionion.

Coleman says. Natural cold germ C.V. is mutating in the bodies of those who took the back seen and they will cr*p out a super virus blaming the un back sin ate ted for the up and coming super by russ.

Dr Vernon Coleman provides unbiased, accurate information on health matters. He accepts no sponsorship or advertising. Dr Coleman is the author of over 100 books which have sold over two million copies in the UK alone and have been translated into 25 languages. His books have been in bestseller lists around the world. Dr Coleman has a medical degree and worked as a GP. His website contains many free articles and no advertising.
Joined Feb 8, 2014

Satan Falls Like Lightning from Heaven May 27th, 2020

Satan Has Fallen and The Dragon Shall Now Rise on Earth

What does the spaceX Dragon Rocket flight mean in spiritual terms and decoded?  The Beast/Dragon is here and is rising.

Jazweeh had a real time vision while in a dream sleeping. She was startled as Satan himself approached her in her front yard. He is here on Earth now.  She and I am sure of it.  He has fallen like lightening.  It is done.  Many saw him fall to earth over Turkey and Armenia like lightening or meteorite.

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Quantum Dot Needle Array & Legal Censorship

Quantum Dot Tattoo Conspiracy & Censorship

Long Short of It two topics?

The following excerpt from the article in the new humanitarian says its okay and even vital to censor information on social media using posting bots.  They post their own agendas as if they were real people.  Not just be deleting posts but also posting calling it “FREE PLACEMENT” to have corporate dictators propaganda efforts accomplished.  This results in the twisting of the minds of those who are unaware of mind control and its strong successful manipulation of humans.

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The Elite’s Agenda to Pit the Blind Sheeple Against Those Who Demand Freedom

Trump just said this:

“Open the churches as essential gatherings” but in doing so he is removing the governor’s state powers.  What I used to see as a safety net of democracy, our state sovereignty that allows individual states to make their own laws is nixed by Federalie Trump executive orders.

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