Blood God “Modi” New Jesus Vs. True Jesus

An Angry Jane article.

Verse of the day Isaiah 11:6 (Lion & Lamb magically changes to Lamb & Wolf) Verse #2 is Amos 11:6 the famine of God’s words on Earth.

The Lion of Judah Jesus the Son of God no longer lies with the lambs. He has left both the churches and the holy books. He has gone to prepare a place for His sheep who know His voice.


“A greedy and idolatrous bloodline seek a sign.  But no sign is given to them except the miraculous sign of the many watchmen on the image of the beast TV.

The end of days sign of Jonah the watchmen. For just as Jonah warned the masses so too we have an array of Watchmen proclaiming Jesus’ return.  THE WATCHMEN ARE THE SIGN OF JONAH FOR OUR TIME.

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An Important Word from Jazweeh of A-Z Prophecy

Prophecy Fulfillments LINK below

I am not going to post the fulfilled Biblical prophecies here, I fear I will lose you to it.  They are on Jazweeh’s site.  There are no traditional or well known common preacher type interpretations to these A-Z fulfillments.  They are of PRIVATE INTERPRETATION.   Jazweeh is the 144 army of God therefore her insight is spirit lead not from the voice or picture show of the beast Image/TV.

Recipe for Dark Transfiguration.  Making man in the image of the beast.

How to turn a man into 33.3% beast making man in evil’s image.  Code “GMO Panzies”.

Recipe of Jabba.   

Continue reading “An Important Word from Jazweeh of A-Z Prophecy”

Once Saved Always Saved…Maybe?

“But I professed Jesus as my Savior when I was 8 years old.  So then why wouldn’t I be saved?”  Says the Christian

And I said grace before most meals.  What if you treated & communicated with your wife from a script that was given to you by a marriage counselor and never veered from that script.  Never speaking your own words by your own heart?  Take off the mask and be who you really are.  Refuse the programming given you.

Continue reading “Once Saved Always Saved…Maybe?”

My Various Websites and Their Genre


Florida heal at the beach w/sun & salt. Seek God while it is still light.

Jazweeh Websites         Spirituality, End times topics, predictions of Jesus’ return and predictions of the great tribulation and more supernatural topics.

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Step Out in Faith

Sometimes all we need do is take a few steps regarding accomplishing something we may fear greatly yet want to accomplish.  People do fear change.  But once we step out in faith what once looked so scarey turns out not near as bad as we thought it would be.  We overcome fear by courage.

God sometimes has us step out in faith to grow and nurture our faith.  Each man is given a measure of faith, some let it fall away, others walk in it and it grows and becomes a strong active faith that moves untold mountains

But know this, soon we will see the results of our prayers and all of our work done by The inspiration of The Holy Spirit.

And the greatest is Love, but Faith, and Hope remain eternal as well.