Once Saved Always Saved…Maybe?

“But I professed Jesus as my Savior when I was 8 years old.  So then why wouldn’t I be saved?”  Says the Christian

And I said grace before most meals.  What if you treated & communicated with your wife from a script that was given to you by a marriage counselor and never veered from that script.  Never speaking your own words by your own heart?  Take off the mask and be who you really are.  Refuse the programming given you.

Well your most likely not saved if you…..

Purposefully Revoke Jesus by your own will and words as being your Savior.   Kind of like Dracula did in Braham Stokers Dracula in the first scene where he was pissed at God for losing the love of his life.  He worshipped a woman over God.  And he expected payback for his ideas that by his army he served God when in reality he served the Catholic church’s will.

And not if you only serve Jesus by lip service and your heart is far from Him even to the point that at your death He says to you as your spirit kneels before Him “I never knew you who the heck are you?”

And not if you obey Satan all the days of your life.  If by your actions you primarily serve the antichrist how then would one profession of receiving Jesus at a young age as your Savior make you “Saved” after serving Satan and the beast all your days?   Do not serve the church it is the great harlot.

Spiritual Solution

The good news is the gift of repentance.  Choose this day who your God is.  Truth is key.  You must speak with God in Truth not say what you think He wants to hear.  Not recite some boxed copy and paste gospel script that he guy on YT gave you to say.  Speak from your heart your own words.  Get real with God and He shall show you who He is.  Become the clay in His hands by giving Him permission to mold your heart, mind, and being into what you should be.  Its well worth it.

Am I Saved?  Let yourself off the hook.  Let go and let God.

“Have ye come so far in the spirit and by The Holy Spirit and received the baptism thereof that now ye shall perfect yourself by the flesh & law?” _____ Apostle Paul

Faith is not faith if its not Faith.  Hope is not Hope if its not Hope.  Do not expect a legal document decree to ease your fear of death & fear of not being saved.  You must “Draw nigh unto God and He shall draw nigh unto you”.  Become the clay.  Confess your heart.  The worst of the worst.

Those who follow Jesus worship Him is Spirit and in Truth.  They are real with God.  They know who they are by seeing and allowing their own heart to speak to Father.  They quench not The Holy Spirit.  Nor do they bind themselves up under staunch unending laws so endless and grievous no man could obey them all.   This is BONDAGE.

“The Letter Kills The Spirit gives Life.”  The law will always end in punishment any way you spin it.  The law is to show sin in its true light.   It must be grown away from.  Grown out of by The Holy Spirit & Faith, sprinkled with Love.

“You who wish to put yourself under the law, do you follow all of the law?”_____Apostle Paul

If you are born again you are not under Mt. Sinai of legal bondage by which those who heard the laws of Moses knew they could not obey.  They knew by the law they are squittled.  Neither can you or I fulfill all the laws of Moses and the like.  (they are not even available anymore in the book on the most part.)

Ye are born of The Holy Spirit by which we cry ABBA Father!  Born into Love.

We rely on Jesus to accomplish His will.  Rely rely rely is key.

We rely on His Love.

We do not serve the corrupt and decaying book the golden idol of the blind who call the book “God”.  Know this, soon the Holy book shall be utterly void of God’s Truth and His Spirit lead wordS.  And then His Holy Spirit will leave this Earth so be sure you have it/Him in you with evidence of The Spirit.  Were you drastically changed by a spiritual experience?  Run to the nearest Pentecostal church for alter call and prayer by the laying on of hands if you have not been changed.  Time is short.

The Word of God is Jesus. The Word of God is forever fixed in Heaven and is written upon your heart if you have cried out for Jesus & The Father.

If a license to sin as a legal document is what ye seek you are not lead by The Spirit.  Those in The Holy Spirit let themselves off the hook by self-Love.

YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO CONDEMN YOURSELF, still if you have guilt make a list of shame, guilt, fear and present it to God & to man in confession.

“Confess your sins one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed.”

If a war on law is what ye seek ye are not lead by The Holy Spirit of Truth.  We do not escape the law by making war on it to defile it.  Jesus fulfilled the law.  We move on from it into the Spirit.

If you ask Father to make your heart and mind right with Him then you will have Peace that surpasses all earthly understanding, and your will will alighn with His.

YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO BE OBEIDIENT WITHOUT HIS HELP.  The biggest mistake people make is applying their Dad or Mom relationships onto their God relationships by this precept.  “I will clean myself up, behave, change for the better…THEN I will go before God and present myself”.

Obedience doesn’t work that way, it won’t work that way.  God is the only one who can align you with His will.  You must give Him permission by request to change your heart and mind.

People don’t understand this because of programming.   And if God does help them they then naturally think they have to pay God back by serving Him unto bondage to law.  There are NO STRINGS ATTACHED TO A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD.  He is not a man, selfish, and making tit for tat.

In Christ is freedom, freedom, freedom.  If you truly are His child then you will be most happy and at peace once you align with His will.  For me this was a very long process and a painful one.  We learn in our sin if it doesn’t kill us.  What do we learn from sin?  The extent of God’s grace, mercy, and Love for us as the prodigal son.

Judge not lest ye be judged for the yardstick which you use to judge your brother shall also be used upon you.  We judge others because of self judgement.

We do not have the insight nor the heart to know the heart of others truthfully.

We do however know them by their works.

“If I say I have Faith it is by my works that ye shall see my Faith”.—-Apostle Paul

We are saved by Faith through Grace.  Not the other way around.  The book is fallen putting Grace above Faith in error by the author of confusion rewriting the once Holy book. Welcome to the new gospel.

“Soon you shall know as well as ye are known, then remain these three, Faith, Hope, and Love but the greatest is Love.” 2 Cor. 13

Grace is not listed here as eternal like the three greatest gifts listed in 2 Cor. 13.  Grace is part of forgiveness.

Faith without works is dead because it produces no fruit.

Faith without works shows a man void of fruit.  If your a baby believer you need to allow time for fruit.  You do not have the right to condemn yourself.

What’s more important than fruit for a baby is that he becomes the clay by confessing all things that trouble him, all fear.  Search out your own heart and present it to Jesus to work with and to cleanse.

If you are not clay you will not grow toward goodness.

Ask for the things that are spiritual.  Faith, Hope, Love, Perseverance, Mercy, Goodness, Kindness, Caring, Respect for your brother, Honor, Righteousness.

Ask for the healing and cleansing of your heart.  Ask to see Truth.  Ask to be saved.  Ask to Love Jesus.  Ask to Trust Jesus.  Ask to Know The Father.

This is how works begin.


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