Once Saved Always Saved…Maybe?

“But I professed Jesus as my Savior when I was 8 years old.  So then why wouldn’t I be saved?”  Says the Christian

And I said grace before most meals.  What if you treated & communicated with your wife from a script that was given to you by a marriage counselor and never veered from that script.  Never speaking your own words by your own heart?  Take off the mask and be who you really are.  Refuse the programming given you.

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Spiritual Gifts & Powers

Spiritual Power

No, we are not saved by the right works & works alone.  Granted you could say everything is works even prayer and a relationship with God are works.  But by works I mean “good deeds”.  It is our Faith and our condition of the heart toward God & man that God looks upon in us.  Our status in the realm of The Spirit after death however, depends on the works we have carried out while vulnerable, naive, weak, and human.  Courageous righteous acts carry alot of weight like giving your life so another can live.  Do we not reap what we sow?

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The Elite who have been very hard to predict to a “T” in the past, are now becoming very predictable as they crush small business, while the masses lose their jobs now they can hire our own people against us.

The Gaggle Ad below popped up on https://fatherswords.com site I visit.

You can bet these blind & sleeping (and the unknowing needy & desperate) who take FEMA jobs will care nothing about anyone as long as they get their paycheck.  And the power will go straight to their head.  They will enjoy the violence and have no regrets because “hey we are just doing our job” and what?  That rationalizes any action?

Who is the Woman of Revelation 12 & Her Child?

Only in the end of days shall this prophesy of Revelation 12, a true prophecy be revealed to God’s children.

I Jazweeh reveal to you the chosen, the Revelation 12 prophecy now to show you who is the woman in the stars and her child.  I show you a mystery of great importance.  If you see & can learn this count yourself as chosen because you are.

Continue reading “Who is the Woman of Revelation 12 & Her Child?”

Professing Christians Will Be Left Behind But Not for the Common Reasons We Think

Signs of the Coming of Jesus

See the Many Signs and Wonders of the last three years

Article by Jazweeh____________

“And The Word Became Flesh and dwelt among us” Gospel of John 1st chapter

God has not appointed His children to wrath.  On the contrary He has gone to prepare a place for us that we may be with Him.  Those who worship God worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

 “Why many will miss the first rapture”

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Who Is the Anti-Christ? Videos

Yes Obama is one of the antichrist figures of the last days. I tried to pray for him once and I saw he has a block over him protecting him from all Christian prayers.

The False prophet who put Gates of Hell into power is a prophet indeed. He also has inside informations which makes him a false prophet of finance. His pet name is the Oracle of Omaha. He literally have Gates foundations all his money according to internet info. So who is the first antichrist? That would be duck bill Gates of Hell. He devised the mark of the beast. And he also is in close contact with War On Buffet the F.Prophet!

GMO Mosquito’s/animals/insects.  GMO produce/food, fruit, veggies.  And of course GMO Hue Mens.

Popes don’t generally prophecy.  Plus the men in red hats were the only restrainer to corporate evil.  But they fell after centuries of warfare at the fall of the great cathedrals.  The lightning strikes to the many statues.  And the burning of the Notre Dame cathedral.  These were all about the tech wars (Gog- (google) and the rising of the beast who is much worse than the Harlot.  Many warriors who the red hats employed to protect the realm of mankind died for the cause.  While christians criticize and mock all aspects of the Catholic organization.

In 2020 the beast showed to us it’s one world domination.  But it’s time is short! Gates and Buffet merely represent the dark realm of the beast. They are the figure heads from hell.

Quote in Obama's address to the nations, be sure things are not as they seem
Quote in Obama’s address to the nations. As he pretended to quote the bible scripture “be still and know that I am God”. He was actually claiming to be God…..don’t doubt it. Fulfilling the prophecy of end times. “claiming himself to be God.” 2nd Thess. 2