SEVERAL New Blood Types Now Categorized

But “Its not the mark, its not the mark” to the tune of Bethovan’s 5th.

Move over CRISPR tech! mRNA design w/nano is here. The keys of gold to human cellular nucleus are now in the hands of the beast. The beast who has called us monkeys from the start.
IT AIN’T PRETTY! DANGER! Says the Crypt Master. This article should only be read by free thinkers.

Warning – This article contains the “F” word. Also it has some coded words.  Please, Don’t read this article if you took the portion potion and stand for the system who gave it.  Unless you had a bad initial reaction and did not take any more of them.  And if you no longer trust the beast.  Then you may want to read further.   You may also like

FOR NEW BLOOD TYPES YOU NEED NEW DNA CELL LINES. All New. triple strand in science is a thing.

Continue reading “SEVERAL New Blood Types Now Categorized”

Jeff’s Christmas Revelation a Programming Scheme of Old

The Great Deception a Ploy Called Christmas & Santa (Satan) Claus/Claws/The Satan Clause

Pause at the * stanzas    (Reading the Script voices of Narrator, Liars, and Children.)


Twas another night before Christmas and the children all did say______

“Our hearts have now, been broken, NO SANTA COMES THIS DAY!*

We trusted in our loved ones we believed in all their drule when they told us the kind stories of glad tidings and yule.”*

Ignorant Liars-

“We meant it not, it was a game, a ruse we say, for fun proclaim! *

No longer are you a babe in arms to believe any lie to swallow any charm.*

Believing in the lies of a sweet savory dream is cut out for the innocent the full (not fool) hearted for our scheme.*

Continue reading “Jeff’s Christmas Revelation a Programming Scheme of Old”

Once Saved Always Saved…Maybe?

“But I professed Jesus as my Savior when I was 8 years old.  So then why wouldn’t I be saved?”  Says the Christian

And I said grace before most meals.  What if you treated & communicated with your wife from a script that was given to you by a marriage counselor and never veered from that script.  Never speaking your own words by your own heart?  Take off the mask and be who you really are.  Refuse the programming given you.

Continue reading “Once Saved Always Saved…Maybe?”

My Various Websites and Their Genre


Florida heal at the beach w/sun & salt. Seek God while it is still light.

Jazweeh Websites         Spirituality, End times topics, predictions of Jesus’ return and predictions of the great tribulation and more supernatural topics.

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The Process of Salvation 101

Am I Saved? Directions to Let Go and Let God.

“Have ye come so far in the spirit and by The Holy Spirit and received the baptism thereof that now ye shall perfect yourself by the flesh & law?” _____ Apostle Paul

Faith is not faith if its not Faith.  Hope is not Hope if its not Hope.  Do not expect a legal document decree to ease your fear of death & fear of not being saved.  You must “Draw nigh unto God and He shall draw nigh unto you”.  Become the clay.  Confess your heart.  The worst of the worst.

Continue reading “The Process of Salvation 101”