Heaven by Way of Hell

My Own: “Orange is the new Black”

My sobriety date is April of 2006.  I got clean on Good Friday and spent Easter weekend in a small holding cell going cold turkey off numerous drugs and alcohol.

See the source image

All my senses were heightened as the withdraw pains increased and I listened to the guards just outside my dark holding cell  drink, party, and play adult games.  Not long after I heard them torturing a woman in what they later refereed to as the “Black Chair”.

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Is Jesus Returning Soon?

In Short?   YES!  This article is spiritually considered “meat” not milk.  It may be unpalatable for some to read.

Looks to me like a wall of demons lifting up the antichrist spirit.

How would you know– ‘Angry Jane’, what Jesus is up to?

Good question!  Let me share with you all that I see.

Keep in mind we do not know in what manner Jesus is returning.  Surely it will not be in the flesh.  Surely He is not going to do that again.  He will return in a spiritual way.  Such as filling up all His children to the brim with His Spirit and by transfiguration changing them, us.

“Not all shall sleep but we shall all be changed.”

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Those Who Have Come Out of Great Tribulation

Raw Testimony of a born Again X Drug Addict Child of God

Sheep Are The Children of God by Analogy

Let’s call us “children” instead of animals.  After all, I resent when the beast calls us cattle.  “heard immunity, heard mentality, etc.”

Jesus Repeated the phrase “feed my sheep” to the apostles in the gospels when they questioned, “what is Thy will?”


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God’s Promises & Possible Rapture

Paraphrased Scriptures.  Pray ye escape the end of days tribulation.

“Behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. The trumpet will sound, and the dead in Christ shall be raised imperishable and corrupt shall be clothed with incorruption. The temporal shall become eternal.”

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What Are Spirituality And Salvation?

The Things of The Spirit are Folly to The Carnal Mind (flesh)

Written by Laura Edgar Author of Paradise for the Hellbound

The flesh is at emnity with God.

Time tells all, so says humanity. Time does tell alot however time is a given only to those of the flesh who grow old and die. Time and humanity are one.
The Spirit and eternity are one.  Meaning, eternity and spirituality standing alone are also one.
To be spirit is to be eternal.
To be flesh is to be temporal.
“One day ye shall know as well as ye are known.

Then remain these three. Faith, Hope, & Love but the greatest is Love.”

If salvation were due to Grace alone then Grace would be eternal as well.

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