The Suns Will Explode
The New Earth is Coming
Then what is coming in the Future?
A man once told me, as I spoke of God to him, he said, “its not so much what you can get from God that matters (such as Heaven and a new body/paradise etc.) as much as what you bring to God of yourself that makes the grade.”
A light went off when he said those words to me. What do I have to bring to the Kingdom of God? Can I be trusted to do God’s work? Will I hurt His children? Will I deceive them with lies?
I share my heart with you. I hope to God I am not mistaken.
Spiritual Gifts & Powers
Spiritual Power
No, we are not saved by the right works & works alone. Granted you could say everything is works even prayer and a relationship with God are works. But by works I mean “good deeds”. It is our Faith and our condition of the heart toward God & man that God looks upon in us. Our status in the realm of The Spirit after death however, depends on the works we have carried out while vulnerable, naive, weak, and human. Courageous righteous acts carry alot of weight like giving your life so another can live. Do we not reap what we sow?
Donald Trump’s Mama’s Name is “Mary”
Off topic
Thank you High Impact Tv on youtube (was high impact flix) for allow us to watch your incredible video for freedom and Truth.
Depart From Me Ye Workers of Iniquity I Never Knew You
How to Make The First Rapture (drink the mirror)
Sidenote: Yes first rapture, why? Because the rapture one in the field one left, is separate from the great multitude saved at the last Trump. This is my theory of at least two lifting away of God's people. First the elect/144,000 (God's army on earth) & 133,000 (those who go before the throne of God are the 133.)
The Great Harlot is the false church. Why is the harlot at war with psychology and the concept of emotional therapy as if it were in competition with the church. Why have we heard preachers mock therapy?
The right therapist can open one’s eyes
Continue reading “Depart From Me Ye Workers of Iniquity I Never Knew You”
My Various Websites and Their Genre
https://jazweeh.com Spirituality, End times topics, predictions of Jesus’ return and predictions of the great tribulation and more supernatural topics.