When is the Rapture?

ATTENTION; Rapture prediction at the bottom of article.

The Destroyer is Loosed & She is Coming for fallen Earth.  Shiva was called to Earth by God Almighty via 144 prayers of The Spirit.  His warriors proclaimed it on the 26th of October. 

She is a world destroyer.  No flesh will survive without Jesus’s express intent to save them.

“If those days were not shortened no flesh would survive”.

Sorry Gentiles but you did not miss the battle.  It seems you missed the WAR.   And my conscience says “don’t beat the servants!” …verbally beat those who call themselves “servants of God”… that is.

Okay yes!  The elect covet earnestly the favor of their Father!  We are not “jealous over gentiles”.  We see the Locust & deception that has taken Gentiles.

Continue reading “When is the Rapture?”

Fallen Angel Million Dollar Club $$.

Tales by Angry Jane.

DISCLAIMER: Mike from around the world does not co-sign this particular article it’s an alternative viewpoint by Angry Jane.  We believe our readers are mature enough to allow free thought and free ideas online.

Most Christians who follow rapture channels on youtube won’t like this article much.  It contradicts popular beliefs about fallen angels.


That demons below and Angels above have equal names and mirrored existences.

Where there is an Azazel below.  There is an Azazeliel above.  God made three realms of Earth in perfect balance.  However middle Earth where we are is completely out of balance with evil dominating.

Demon Azazel/Azazeliel

Demons bad, Angels good.  Angels cannot be tempted by flesh since they are Spirit.


Angels are not flesh to be tempted of demons.  They are spirit. They are not in a position where they need to choose between evil and good.  Holy Angels always do exactly what God Almighty made them to do.  They are good ministering Spirits.  And have many helps for mankind.  Every person has an Angel to get to know.  There are NO EVIL DARK ANGELS.  It is a contradiction of terms and blasphemy toward God’s Deity to say they are evil.


Continue reading “Fallen Angel Million Dollar Club $$.”

The Suns Will Explode

The New Earth is Coming

Then what is coming in the Future?

A man once told me, as I spoke of God to him, he said, “its not so much what you can get from God that matters (such as Heaven and a new body/paradise etc.) as much as what you bring to God of yourself that makes the grade.”

A light went off when he said those words to me.  What do I have to bring to the Kingdom of God?  Can I be trusted to do God’s work?  Will I hurt His children?  Will I deceive them with lies?

I share my heart with you.  I hope to God I am not mistaken.

Continue reading “The Suns Will Explode”


Return in 2024 Around April 8

What I saw when looking with my back to the sun in the outer reflection of my sun glasses holding & pointing glasses behind me.

If the human has not sought out his/her Creator and searched for the meaning of life yet let me give the human the answers I my God gave me.  There is only one reason for humanity on Earth.  We must all choose our eternal homes.  All must choose.  Whether consciously or subconsciously we all make our choice of eternities home.  How??

By our choices and actions toward others.  By our efforts in finding our Creator & attaining our plan of Salvation’s Hope.  And by our words.  The links below will tell the human which one they are at present.  All Lions were once goats & wolves.  We do not know if there is time to change identities.  Time is late.

Goats, Wolves, Serpents.

Sheep, Lambs, Lions

An electrical arc is an electrical malfunction that happens when wires and systems can’t handle the amount of electro-current going through its system of lines.  The Sun’s Arc of God will occur in the new White Sun causing great disaster.  A solar panel can ark if you unplug it from batteries in full sun causing a burst of violet coronal discharge. (more explanation on corona discharge below)


SEVERAL New Blood Types Now Categorized

But “Its not the mark, its not the mark” to the tune of Bethovan’s 5th.

Move over CRISPR tech! mRNA design w/nano is here. The keys of gold to human cellular nucleus are now in the hands of the beast. The beast who has called us monkeys from the start.
IT AIN’T PRETTY! DANGER! Says the Crypt Master. This article should only be read by free thinkers.

Warning – This article contains the “F” word. Also it has some coded words.  Please, Don’t read this article if you took the portion potion and stand for the system who gave it.  Unless you had a bad initial reaction and did not take any more of them.  And if you no longer trust the beast.  Then you may want to read further.   You may also like https://jazweeh.com

FOR NEW BLOOD TYPES YOU NEED NEW DNA CELL LINES. All New. triple strand in science is a thing.

Continue reading “SEVERAL New Blood Types Now Categorized”

An Important Word from Jazweeh of A-Z Prophecy

Prophecy Fulfillments LINK below

I am not going to post the fulfilled Biblical prophecies here, I fear I will lose you to it.  They are on Jazweeh’s site.  There are no traditional or well known common preacher type interpretations to these A-Z fulfillments.  They are of PRIVATE INTERPRETATION.   Jazweeh is the 144 army of God therefore her insight is spirit lead not from the voice or picture show of the beast Image/TV.

Recipe for Dark Transfiguration.  Making man in the image of the beast.

How to turn a man into 33.3% beast making man in evil’s image.  Code “GMO Panzies”.

Recipe of Jabba.   

Continue reading “An Important Word from Jazweeh of A-Z Prophecy”

The Earth Shall Burn But the Children of God Shall be Protected

The Third Angel Speaks to the Scribe of God Named Jazweeh

Revelation 16:8 is at hand.

The angel is as a firebird brilliant and beautiful sacred and true she is God’s beautiful Deity.   And she flies now.  She says she can only be seen and heard by The Spirit.  She is the sacred.   Watch carefully how ye speak of deity spoken of as “fallen” for they are all sacred anointed vessels of God’s holy will.

I call her Kachina because God told me of the Blue star coming back in 2012 or so.  The prophecy of the Blue & Red Kachina is the same as the four angels in Revelation.

Continue reading “The Earth Shall Burn But the Children of God Shall be Protected”

I Pet Goat 2 Decode 2020

See update to this article here.


Jazweeh took a shot at watching & decoding the I Pet Goat prophecy video on You tube.   Granted, if it was given by those who planned and knew what was written in the video and soon coming to earth, then its a self fulfilling prediction by those in power. (Related articles at the end of the page.)

Update Links confirming Ozone Level threats and health affects that mock C.V. symptoms

“Interactive .gov air ozone map”  Hidden in plain sight.

This is a scary interpretation so be warned. The only ones who will fully resonate with this prophecy are the elect who see the dividing of time and the two realities, even the strong delusion and the Mandela effects.

I will not be posting the obvious interpretations that are already well documented.  The deep mysteries in the I Pet Goat II video that no one else has interpreted or seen (yet).

Jazweeh says______”to know the interpretation of a mystery one must have first seen or at least conceived of the events to be interpreted.  This is the key to her interpretation and why she sees what others do not in the popular prophecy video.  What happened to the I Pet God (1) video?  Its no where to be found online.

Jazweeh is the 144, the intercessor, the people of Revelation 12 are the elect, they are the woman who travailed & overcame.

Interpretation I Pet Goat II

Continue reading “I Pet Goat 2 Decode 2020”

The SoundS of Silence Simon & Garfunkel

Prophecy of the Coming Age of Bio-Tech Zombies Who Sport the Mark of the Beast

The Sounds of Silence (post M.Effect. “sound of silence”) Simon & Garfunkel….”the words of the prophets are written on the subway wall & tenement hall”…

Scroll for lyrics without commentary below.

Lyrics & Commentary

Hello darkness, my old friend
I’ve come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping-If you shut off emf (router,phone,tv,etc) while you sleep you will wake up with new knowledge as God Himself or His aids teach you while you sleep.
And the vision that was planted in my brain—thoughts and history are now being implanted in human brains by wifi.  False history is here and people preferred the lie the LIE.

Still remains
Within the sound of silence

Continue reading “The SoundS of Silence Simon & Garfunkel”

Update on Corona Discharge Theory & Prediction Premonition

Article Written by Laura E. guest writer.

Update “Interactive .gov air ozone map”  Hidden in plain sight.


Ozone Air Quality Health Effects.

The Corona phenomenon a violet glow, and hissing noise plus a production of ozone gas in an overhead transmission line is known as corona discharge.

The “HISS” of a Serpent No Less 

Here is link to a very long and very technical article about what Corona discharge (C.D.) is. This article is a synopsis of the longer article.

Corona Discharges create purple light flashes and a hissing sound if your close to it.

What is Corona Discharge?

Continue reading “Update on Corona Discharge Theory & Prediction Premonition”

Jazweeh Has Seen Who the Anti-Christ and False Prophet Are.

EYA On YouTube Video Below

Important Update to this article

The Head Wound to the Antichrist (please know also the words false prophet and antichrist are being removed from all bibles to confuse it all)

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.


“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”


You bet they worship warren Chinese buffet False prophet who predicts financial prophecy often online.  With all that money, billions represented by gates of hell and Warren Chinese buffet and whoever it is these two public figures represent who hide behind corporate these front men.  And they are puppets most likely.

I just realized what the “head wound” from Rev. 13:3 was.  Billy goat gates of hell had his great pride wounded by a man throwing a pie into his face (head wound) literally wounding greatly his pride and making him a public mockery spectacle.  However after the humiliation likely a ritual the A.Christ. was lifted up pubically as savior of the earth by his C.V. and other back scene’s.  Amazing. Another prophecy ….fulfilled.  Know this, these prophecies are not going to look like the way the church dictates nor will the bible be accurate to a tee.

“And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”


The Anti-Christ Has Clearly Revealed Himself as Billy-Goat Gateors and the False Prophet is clearly War-on the Chinese food Buffet. (I


And a great plume of fire rose up into the sky causing sickness around the whole city due to Lubrizol Warren Buffet’s chemical company.

Rev 13:12
And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.


Rev 13:13

And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

I am very serious here.  And I think you know why this is my belief.  I have never been so certain nor have any two ever fit the bill so squarely.   As for Gate-s information A.Christ. see his intentions to Vax the entire WORLD and what with on on EYA video below.

The Gates of Hell Shall NOT Prevail Against Us the Chosen of God.  Come to find out Gates of Hell’s mothers name is “Mary” of all things…

IMPORTANT UPDATE TO ARTICLE January 2, 2021- There is now a prophecy from a Jewish "Rabbi" Kaduri that mentions a 3rd gate according to "watchmen for that great day" on Youtube. I have not been able to find info on one part of the alleged prophecy. But its worth note-ing.  Kaduri before he died at the late age of over 100 years old said he met the Messiah.  And that it was truly Jesus The Christ.(that part of prophecy is confirmed)  And also that (the unconfirmed part)Jesus will return just as He said He would following the destruction of the "THIRD GATE". 
What's the third gate?  You might ask. I believe Jesus will Himself destroy [William Henry Gates III] the antichrist soon to be inhabited by Satan himself.   Gates of Hell put into power by the false prophet (fulfilment of bible false prophet prophecy in relation to the antichrist's power source.)  War on [Buffet] "The Oracle of Omaha" & Eugenicist [War on Buffet](sound it out)is the F.Prophet. who put gates into power quite literally.  Kaduri went on to say that "the third gate" is Israeli government. A government who by the way -the Jews publicly interpret "3rd gate" as their governmental systems in Israel. Israel government has put on a show of failed elections and two leaders named Benjamin yet another Jewish prophecy fulfilled at large. Just like UK is left also in limbo with Brexit and now the U.S in limbo w/Trump Bid on situation)the Jewish leaders lie (I believe) about who or what the 3rd gate is to keep their secrets.

Come to find out Trump’s mama also has name “Mary” ….they may both be the antichrist of end times.  But I do not see a false prophet propping Trump up like B. Gates.  Granted he did say “I am the chosen one” and Israel treat him like a god that’s for sure.  He loves Israel and he insists he does not ever repent “I just ah ah try to do better”.  He sputtered out when a reporter asked him about his own repentance activity if any.  You don’t get to where he is by being holy or even honest, giving, generous, and compassionate…you just don’t.

Mary Anne MacLeod is Trump is Donald J. Trump’s mother.

Boy Did We Call this One

I still think Gates will come up with a back scene that most people will be desperate for when available and they will consider him a savior for it….but first people will have to die of some alleged virus before people will really be desperate.  Or maybe the deception and idea of a scary virus will be enough to provoke people to desperation.

Dec 14, 2020 — The first injection was administered to a New York nurse on the front lines of the covid-19 fight.

EYA on Youtube–  Another vid bites the dust.

All YT vids of EYA will now be gone as they were also removed from YT  You can find her at EYA Report BUT she already has a community guidelines strike.

“Community guidelines” is code for “CENSORSHIP”  More maritime laws.

EYA Confirms the Anti-Christ’s Identity and Jazweeh.com confirms the False Prophet.  But seriously FATHER GOD &
His Holy Spirit have Revealed these Identities to us (I confess, in spite of my ego that wants to take credit for this revelation, forgive my flesh that will be with me until my end in this plain.) & the AntiChrist has revealed himself.

In short, Kat at EYA verified “gates of hell” and whoever he represents (the dark shadowy powerful ones who have no empathy toward the masses) as the A.C.  isn’t it interesting those who see the s.n.b.c. also agree on who A.C. is.
Sorry. Another video displayed by Dana bites the dust. EYA’s channel was deleted from YT. Now she has EYA Report.

Continue reading “Jazweeh Has Seen Who the Anti-Christ and False Prophet Are.”

Proof- Jesus Really is Returning Soon

Please Read this Urgent Message to All God’s Children*

My name is Jazweeh and this is my recent testimony of the soon return of our Savior Jesus.  Carnal men want carnal proof.  The soon return of Jesus is proved by The Spirit with convincing & Truthful spiritual proof.

Read Testimony (optional)-Jesus is The One who repeatedly answered my cries for help throughout my life.  Jesus shows His children that He Loves them by imparting to them, comfort, healing, deliverance, forgiveness, and on-going helps.  We are valuable to Him.  Salvation is a matter of the heart not the intellect.  The flesh is at emnity with the things of The Spirit.  The intellect cannot be trusted for salvation.  We must approach God with our whole heart and become transparent and authentic before Him courageous, as little children are toward a Loving Father.  By lifting up the name of Jesus in Faith, Hope, and Truth God works in us miracles. Raise your hands in praise. Speak His name aloud.   Do not follow the new Jesus of "saved by Grace" and the changed corrupt KJVB be not a book worshipper.  It is our Faith in Jesus that produces a foundation for our relationship with God.  By no other name have I ever been healed, delivered, enlightened, changed, filled with joy, Hope, understanding, wisdom, and by no other name have I ever been given the courage to become who I really am except the name of Jesus.  Without Jesus I would still be very sick, and continue in the foundation of the lie, wearing the mask of the beast system because the beast demoralized me into the "I am bad & wrong" programming.  Prefer not the lie.
This article is for the open minded baby Christians and for the grown tempered mature Believers who have not lost their first Love and are lead by Jesus.  If the article's Truths are too much to bear God gives The Holy Spirit to those who ask with an open heart.

Born Again Experience

(Please know, I am no better than anyone else, of sin I was chief until Jesus molded me as clay).
Continue reading “Proof- Jesus Really is Returning Soon”

Professing Christians Will Be Left Behind But Not for the Common Reasons We Think

Signs of the Coming of Jesus

See the Many Signs and Wonders of the last three years

Article by Jazweeh____________

“And The Word Became Flesh and dwelt among us” Gospel of John 1st chapter

God has not appointed His children to wrath.  On the contrary He has gone to prepare a place for us that we may be with Him.  Those who worship God worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

 “Why many will miss the first rapture”

Continue reading “Professing Christians Will Be Left Behind But Not for the Common Reasons We Think”

Intercessors Now Torch Bearers Announce Jesus’ Return

To the True Intercessory Prayer Warriors of The Creator of the Heaven’s and the Earth

The links in this article are to jazweeh.com articles about the topic on the link.

What is Spirit Lead Intercessory prayer?  The Woman of Revelation 12 Represents God’s Spirit Filled Intercessors who travailed for souls years on end.  And now they bring the Greatest Annunciation.  The return of Jesus.

Who am I addressing this to?  Those who have the gift of tongues by which they pray in depth on what they are lead and can also pray on any topic with the gift.

The gift is subject to the man not the other way around.  Not to say that those intercessors cannot receive the “burden” to pray for a soul, they have.

I wrote an article alerting believers of a change happening to the intercessors.  These intercessors who once prayed in deep lamentation, supplication & labor by burdens from The Holy Spirit birthing deliverance for lost souls.

Continue reading “Intercessors Now Torch Bearers Announce Jesus’ Return”

Shift of Power. Are they Going to CRASH THE BANKS?


We simply are not meeting any people in the REAL WORLD who are sick or even who know anyone first hand who is sick.  Hence the C.V. is a PICTURE SHOW false flag as usual.  But it has great purpose we have finally surmised.

So what is really going on?  This our prediction a guess.

The banks WILL CRASH SOON so they can bring in the One World Money System as prophesied long ago.  Trump will save us all with a new crypto currency probably the one created by Goldman Sachs.

What then?  With the banks crashing people must be prepared, hence the warnings under the guise of a virus.

Invest in Gold or Land, spend your money now or take it out of the bank but if the banks crash it won’t be worth the paper its printed on.


Sincerely Jazweeh________________________