Today I saw a vision of a black cloud storm. An unstopable black haze that destroys most of mankind in its wake. It will overtake all of the Earth with darkness. Killing everyone in its path & still commit no crime. How? The Dark Angels are ordained of God for the harvest of souls. Just as the Passover was depicted in the Bibles before the desecration of the holy place(God’s words changed on Earth but forever set in Heaven.
A few days later I heard this statement by one who prophesied unawares. “They are awakening Azrael the Angel of Death.”
“Azrael is the angel of death in some Abrahamic religions, namely Islam and Christian popular culture. Relative to similar concepts of such beings, Azrael holds a benevolent role as God’s angel of death; he acts as a psychopomp, responsible for transporting the souls of the deceased after their death.” Wikipedia
Predicted to occur approximately April thru Junes’ end 2024

Today the Death Angel marked it’s path over the Earth. Few have the seal of God and the Passover Seal posted on their wall. The Alpha, The Omega, The Beginning, and The End.
The reapers are called “Death”. They will travel inside the black storm like a cloud of dust. Turning those to be harvested to red dust as their spirits leave their bodies for judgement. There are six basic possible outcomes that we surmise once a man meets the Death Angel. The only ones who will not be harvested by the Death Angel are the 144,000. Why? The 144 have a job to do in preparing the New Earth and New Nature for the coming Gentiles after their 1,000 year sleep (that will seem as one day).
1.Rapture & Sleep for 1,000 years to awaken to paradise New Earth.
2.Rapture and awaken to Heaven above in the realm of The Creator of Earth and mankind.
3. Be passed over to seed the New Earth Paradise (The Promise land) possibly by Way of Heaven. 144 are called to walk the Earth for 1,000 years to chronicle and learn the wonders. And be better prepared as guardians of The New Earth.
5.Bondage and suffering in Hell the place of punishment per judgement.
6. Crash into the Lake of Fire where the soul is ended unto nothingness.
7.Awaken to Hell & eternal life in the sins and lies they prefer. The children of darkness desire darkness.
“You are a child of your father the devil.” Not all are children of the God of Light and Love.
“Not all shall sleep but we shall ALL be changed in the twinkling of the eye and in a moment at the last trump.”

The date above of the Rapture is an educated GUESS. Harvest of humans on Earth will be three Events in one.
Hypothesis Examples of Salvation or Lack Thereof.
1. Eternal Death by Lake of Fire for goats who know no god.
2. Rapture for believers in God. These believers are saved by Jesus & God the Father who accepts His plan of salvation. Jesus knows them. Also those saved from the Lake of Fire by Faith in God alone, the Creator God is Love.
2A. Those who are Gentiles and not “the elect, chosen few” those who pray to God and proclaim Jesus yet don’t really know Him will be raptured to the 1,000 years as is one day of sweet sleep. When they are awoken they will have the honor of going to the New Earth.

2B. The chosen few (spiritual Israel) will be raptured one way or another. Possibly during passover. If the vision is correctly interpreted. Just in the nick of time. They will be taken up and also taken to the New Earth as soon as that’s possible. The chosen will seed & chronicle the Wonderful New Earth. They will be transfigured to better bodies. They will watch the Sun/Son of God rise in the Eastern sky. They will be able to stand in His Light due to purification and God’s Holy Grace. If your one of these 144,000 your already yearning for the New Earth or Home.
3. Gentiles will not suffer punishment or suffering at harvest time. They are to be raptured unto a long sleep while God prepares the New Earth. One day as a thousand days. It will seem like one day to Gentiles but it will be 100 lifetimes to the 144 seeding the New Earth. “Seeding” just means doing whatever needs done in preparation for the coming saved to abide on Earth.
4. The dark souls who have a god of darkness and will spend their eternity in the world below. They are saved by Faith in their Dark Lord. These are children of the Dark Lord from their inception. Their heart doesn’t yearn for the God of Light because He is not their Father.
Others will go to Hell as a punishment.
John 8:44
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
5. The majority of those in bunkers and caves will not survive. Those who are in certain high end elite billionaire caves may survive for a time. But they will not be permitted to reinfect the New Earth with their lies and poisons. If they have an eternal god they may continue on to Hell. But the lake of fire will be the end of all for the worst of the worst greedy & genocidal rulers of the fallen Earth.
“Mar 9:42
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.”
6. Of course there is salvation for some by unforeseen variables of which only God Himself is aware of at this juncture. For God looks upon the heart and many will be surprised in that day of the New World at who is saved and moreover surprised at who wasn’t saved.
These hypothesised predictions are all coming from the Spirit within Jazweeh the See-er. She is human and could be wrong. But The Spirit of God does not lie.
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