Corona Virus Decoded. Corona Discharge Explained in Simple Terms

& The Predicted Catastrophical Plasma Event

Original article by Dana A. rewritten & edited by Edgar L.

I wasn’t certain before about my theory that the virus isn’t a virus. I realized in 2017 that media lies about EVERYTHING. But that also they give in your face clues.

Why Are You Back On The Topic of Corona Discharge Dana?

What if the elite did want to alert us of what is really happening in our world?

What if they could not openly tell the masses that environmental peril is at hand because of widespread violent panic?

But they still wanted to warn at least some people so the few could utilize at least some protective measures?

Corona Virus- Corona Discharge.

Continue reading “Corona Virus Decoded. Corona Discharge Explained in Simple Terms”

I Pet Goat 2 Decode 2020

See update to this article here.


Jazweeh took a shot at watching & decoding the I Pet Goat prophecy video on You tube.   Granted, if it was given by those who planned and knew what was written in the video and soon coming to earth, then its a self fulfilling prediction by those in power. (Related articles at the end of the page.)

Update Links confirming Ozone Level threats and health affects that mock C.V. symptoms

“Interactive .gov air ozone map”  Hidden in plain sight.

This is a scary interpretation so be warned. The only ones who will fully resonate with this prophecy are the elect who see the dividing of time and the two realities, even the strong delusion and the Mandela effects.

I will not be posting the obvious interpretations that are already well documented.  The deep mysteries in the I Pet Goat II video that no one else has interpreted or seen (yet).

Jazweeh says______”to know the interpretation of a mystery one must have first seen or at least conceived of the events to be interpreted.  This is the key to her interpretation and why she sees what others do not in the popular prophecy video.  What happened to the I Pet God (1) video?  Its no where to be found online.

Jazweeh is the 144, the intercessor, the people of Revelation 12 are the elect, they are the woman who travailed & overcame.

Interpretation I Pet Goat II

Continue reading “I Pet Goat 2 Decode 2020”

Pennsylvania Judge finds C.V. Mandates by Gov. Wolf Unconstitutional

Federal Judge William S. Stickman IV decides in favor of small businesses

Federal Judge Strikes Down Key COVID-19 Orders in PA

Medical Tyranny

“Even in an emergency, the authority of the government is not unfettered. The liberties protected by the Constitution are not FAIR WEATHER FREEDOMS in place when times are good but able to be cast aside in times of trouble.

Continue reading “Pennsylvania Judge finds C.V. Mandates by Gov. Wolf Unconstitutional”

Perhaps The “Typhoid Mary” Concept Was Always a LIE

Typhoid Mary just another HOAX?

I see the historical setting now in my minds eye.  A beautiful woman the lover of some high ranking politician back in the days the beast system for propaganda sake named “The dark ages”.  Well that paints a picture in itself doesn’t it.

The dark ages for the beast perhaps, because people GREW THEIR OWN FOOD and could not be controlled and poisoned by their chemical potions.

Continue reading “Perhaps The “Typhoid Mary” Concept Was Always a LIE”

The Elites Have Gone too Far and Outed Themselves by their Dialogue

Truth in Plain Sight by Dorothy R. Stirrum

Know them by who they show you they are not by who they tell you they are.

Dana’s video today see here was very enlightening.  By it I realized the following.

Dana showed a clip of an Australian officer of some sort, stating that people should get their daily exercise and then go straight home!  Because, he said “YOU COULD BE SPREADING THE VIRUS WHILE YOU HAVE NO SYMPTOMS”.  God forbid!

Think about that statement …

Continue reading “The Elites Have Gone too Far and Outed Themselves by their Dialogue”

What Is Really Going On!….?

Vital Update Fake Sun Article

Why have they shut down the WORLD?

If you know what’s really going on behind the C.V. shutdown please email Jazweeh at with your information or theory.

See List of Possible Scenarios (corporate motives) Below.

Many people in the YT community are saying the Corona Virus illness/death statistics are fudged.   Everyone I talk to in Florida and family know no-one first hand who is sick.  I even talked to a man from China whose family is still in China and neither he or his family know anyone personally who is sick with pneumonia symptoms or Cv type illness.  I talked to a man at the store whose wife is a trauma nurse at Shands Hospital in Gainesville she said there are zero cases at Shands.

So why would our federal controllers want us at home paralyzed with fear,

Continue reading “What Is Really Going On!….?”

People are (allegedly) Burning down 5G Cell Towers in the U.K.

According to several news outlets people in the UK are attacking 5G cell towers…

Article by Jazweeh from

by fire because of the threat they pose to health.(Article Updated see beam forming and symptoms)

JUST A THOUGHT.  Personally I question weather those shark fin antennas on all of our cars don't serve as a target for the cell tower beams.  Obviously a cell phone makes you a target for the beams.  I was getting massive migraines during travel after they put up all those towers every.  It does make sense that the car antennas attract the ray gun beams, just a theory.  Unscrew the antenna and cover it with silver fabric or some other metal.  You could put the silver fabric in a large gallon baggie and tape it all down.  Listen to CD's instead of radio.  You can always put it back on once we figure all this CV death stuff out.  5G was implemented in Wuhan by the way.

Furthermore these firey anarchists claim that 5g is the cause for the alleged Corona Virus’ symptoms.  And from my studies on EMF exposure they may be  right.  EMF is not only non ionizing radiation it consists also

Continue reading “People are (allegedly) Burning down 5G Cell Towers in the U.K.”

Fresh New Face on YouTube Worth a Look! JeffSnyder2

JeffSnyder2 On YouTube has captivating Truth Videos on Pertinent Truth Topics.

This truck driving You Tuber is a wizz….he knows himself therefore he knows human behavior which creates in him uncanny discernment.  All Jeff has to do is talk and I learn from him.  Seriously!  This guy’s videos are on the way up as long as YT doesn’t vanquish him again!  Why would YouTube be so afraid of someone who has just a hand full  (298) of subscribers?  Short answer-TRUTH.  Check it out guys.

Jeff also has a .com at with some of his videos there as well.

Logic Before Authority on YouTube

Heads Up! Get involved in the Truth movement. Send your important information about real time events to Daniel Alexander Cannot at his email and send him authentic videos of hospitals.

logicbeforeauthority@gmail HOSPITAL FOOTAGE (subject)

Video posted by permission for and

Joe Imbriano of the Fullerton Informer/EMF SAFETY Article Links

CoronaVirus and EMF Safety. For emf solutions see articles (3) below.

Solutions to EMF Put it this way folks the only place you will find the dangers of emf outlined without confusion seems to be where protections from it are being sold. 925ghz is the weapon used for crowd control. Your microwave runs on 2.4ghz range w/watts to back it up and the closed in space. Here are a few safety articles to avoid unnecessary emf.

Continue reading “Joe Imbriano of the Fullerton Informer/EMF SAFETY Article Links”