Prophecy In Music “Yes Fragile” Roundabout. Encouragement New Earth

Encouragement for the chosen few.

The Wise Shall Understand the rest will not see.

From the Heart of the Seer comes God’s Truth.

They shall learn who they are.  And mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not falter, they shall crush & overcome the serpent by talents of God Almighty.  And by the breath of God with their Breathren they stand firm on foundations of God by FAITH & of HOPE.

They drink at the well of power.  They rode the sacred mule.  And they met Jesus at the well of souls and the wells of Love.

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The True Gospel. The 144. Truth Undefiled.

First I Shall Share With You The True Gospel of Jesus

The true gospel of Jesus is not exactly written clearly in the books (bible) anymore.  Granted the story of Jesus coming to Earth, 1/2 man 1/2 God born of a virgin we have all heard over and over even unto redundancy on Youtube.  People share this by compulsion & by fear feeling obligation.




Ah the two moons show the dividing of time is upon the Earth. Those in one timeline and many in the other. Two times. Mean 2 realities. One of the wolf and One of The Son of God.  The Hopi prophesied of the split of time in so many words.

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Update on Corona Discharge Theory & Prediction Premonition

Article Written by Laura E. guest writer.

Update “Interactive .gov air ozone map”  Hidden in plain sight.


Ozone Air Quality Health Effects.

The Corona phenomenon a violet glow, and hissing noise plus a production of ozone gas in an overhead transmission line is known as corona discharge.

The “HISS” of a Serpent No Less 

Here is link to a very long and very technical article about what Corona discharge (C.D.) is. This article is a synopsis of the longer article.

Corona Discharges create purple light flashes and a hissing sound if your close to it.

What is Corona Discharge?

Continue reading “Update on Corona Discharge Theory & Prediction Premonition”

My Various Websites and Their Genre


Florida heal at the beach w/sun & salt. Seek God while it is still light.

Jazweeh Websites         Spirituality, End times topics, predictions of Jesus’ return and predictions of the great tribulation and more supernatural topics.

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Was George Floyde One of The Prophesied “Two Witnesses” Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES?


Why are so many people trashing this murdered guy’s reputation?  I got an email today saying “he was a porn star”.  Thing is born again Christians ALWAYS have tainted pasts.  That is the miracle about being born again.  God changes our heart, actions, wants, likes,morals.

Continue reading “Was George Floyde One of The Prophesied “Two Witnesses” Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES?”

Satan Falls Like Lightning from Heaven May 27th, 2020

Satan Has Fallen and The Dragon Shall Now Rise on Earth

What does the spaceX Dragon Rocket flight mean in spiritual terms and decoded?  The Beast/Dragon is here and is rising.

Jazweeh had a real time vision while in a dream sleeping. She was startled as Satan himself approached her in her front yard. He is here on Earth now.  She and I am sure of it.  He has fallen like lightening.  It is done.  Many saw him fall to earth over Turkey and Armenia like lightening or meteorite.

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Quantum Dot Needle Array & Legal Censorship

Quantum Dot Tattoo Conspiracy & Censorship

Long Short of It two topics?

The following excerpt from the article in the new humanitarian says its okay and even vital to censor information on social media using posting bots.  They post their own agendas as if they were real people.  Not just be deleting posts but also posting calling it “FREE PLACEMENT” to have corporate dictators propaganda efforts accomplished.  This results in the twisting of the minds of those who are unaware of mind control and its strong successful manipulation of humans.

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Who is the Woman of Revelation 12 & Her Child?

Only in the end of days shall this prophesy of Revelation 12, a true prophecy be revealed to God’s children.

I Jazweeh reveal to you the chosen, the Revelation 12 prophecy now to show you who is the woman in the stars and her child.  I show you a mystery of great importance.  If you see & can learn this count yourself as chosen because you are.

Continue reading “Who is the Woman of Revelation 12 & Her Child?”

Professing Christians Will Be Left Behind But Not for the Common Reasons We Think

Signs of the Coming of Jesus

See the Many Signs and Wonders of the last three years

Article by Jazweeh____________

“And The Word Became Flesh and dwelt among us” Gospel of John 1st chapter

God has not appointed His children to wrath.  On the contrary He has gone to prepare a place for us that we may be with Him.  Those who worship God worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

 “Why many will miss the first rapture”

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Shift of Power. Are they Going to CRASH THE BANKS?


We simply are not meeting any people in the REAL WORLD who are sick or even who know anyone first hand who is sick.  Hence the C.V. is a PICTURE SHOW false flag as usual.  But it has great purpose we have finally surmised.

So what is really going on?  This our prediction a guess.

The banks WILL CRASH SOON so they can bring in the One World Money System as prophesied long ago.  Trump will save us all with a new crypto currency probably the one created by Goldman Sachs.

What then?  With the banks crashing people must be prepared, hence the warnings under the guise of a virus.

Invest in Gold or Land, spend your money now or take it out of the bank but if the banks crash it won’t be worth the paper its printed on.


Sincerely Jazweeh________________________