Earth Reveals Itself by Itself


IN THE FIGHT FOR TRUTH we may be wrong from time to time.

As Above So Below.  One meaning of this phrase is that we can do experiments researching Earth’s nature and its Godly engineering.  If the experiments work on the ground then they work above.  In most cases.  The only thing not accounted for in my cosmology theory is the inertia that keeps the planets moving around Earth.  The rest is magnetics.

Earth and all Planets are Magnetic

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Prophecy In Music “Yes Fragile” Roundabout. Encouragement New Earth

Encouragement for the chosen few.

The Wise Shall Understand the rest will not see.

From the Heart of the Seer comes God’s Truth.

They shall learn who they are.  And mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not falter, they shall crush & overcome the serpent by talents of God Almighty.  And by the breath of God with their Breathren they stand firm on foundations of God by FAITH & of HOPE.

They drink at the well of power.  They rode the sacred mule.  And they met Jesus at the well of souls and the wells of Love.

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Fake Sun News


New Theory Updated at this link.  

“The Sun will go dim and the moon not give it’s light”.  Luminaries will not keep their places.  Perhaps God sent us the Red and Blue Kachina’s because the sun went dim.  Of course he would foresee man making a fake replacement sun to save the trees and stuff.  The four angels are here.  The media calls them “Mars, Venus” and who knows what else.

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Return in 2024 Around April 8

What I saw when looking with my back to the sun in the outer reflection of my sun glasses holding & pointing glasses behind me.

If the human has not sought out his/her Creator and searched for the meaning of life yet let me give the human the answers I my God gave me.  There is only one reason for humanity on Earth.  We must all choose our eternal homes.  All must choose.  Whether consciously or subconsciously we all make our choice of eternities home.  How??

By our choices and actions toward others.  By our efforts in finding our Creator & attaining our plan of Salvation’s Hope.  And by our words.  The links below will tell the human which one they are at present.  All Lions were once goats & wolves.  We do not know if there is time to change identities.  Time is late.

Goats, Wolves, Serpents.

Sheep, Lambs, Lions

An electrical arc is an electrical malfunction that happens when wires and systems can’t handle the amount of electro-current going through its system of lines.  The Sun’s Arc of God will occur in the new White Sun causing great disaster.  A solar panel can ark if you unplug it from batteries in full sun causing a burst of violet coronal discharge. (more explanation on corona discharge below)


The True Gospel. The 144. Truth Undefiled.

First I Shall Share With You The True Gospel of Jesus

The true gospel of Jesus is not exactly written clearly in the books (bible) anymore.  Granted the story of Jesus coming to Earth, 1/2 man 1/2 God born of a virgin we have all heard over and over even unto redundancy on Youtube.  People share this by compulsion & by fear feeling obligation.




Ah the two moons show the dividing of time is upon the Earth. Those in one timeline and many in the other. Two times. Mean 2 realities. One of the wolf and One of The Son of God.  The Hopi prophesied of the split of time in so many words.

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God’s Promises & Possible Rapture

Paraphrased Scriptures.  Pray ye escape the end of days tribulation.

“Behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. The trumpet will sound, and the dead in Christ shall be raised imperishable and corrupt shall be clothed with incorruption. The temporal shall become eternal.”

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What Are Spirituality And Salvation?

The Things of The Spirit are Folly to The Carnal Mind (flesh)

Written by Laura Edgar Author of Paradise for the Hellbound

The flesh is at emnity with God.

Time tells all, so says humanity. Time does tell alot however time is a given only to those of the flesh who grow old and die. Time and humanity are one.
The Spirit and eternity are one.  Meaning, eternity and spirituality standing alone are also one.
To be spirit is to be eternal.
To be flesh is to be temporal.
“One day ye shall know as well as ye are known.

Then remain these three. Faith, Hope, & Love but the greatest is Love.”

If salvation were due to Grace alone then Grace would be eternal as well.

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My Various Websites and Their Genre


Florida heal at the beach w/sun & salt. Seek God while it is still light.

Jazweeh Websites         Spirituality, End times topics, predictions of Jesus’ return and predictions of the great tribulation and more supernatural topics.

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The Fullerton Informer & What Lies Ahead & My RANT

Joe Imbriano,

Who by the way has no qualms with anyone posting his videos anywhere…which is the sign of an authentic truther whose pure motives are to get the message out. And then there are those content creators who have no clue that when they deny any website access to freely post their videos they are denying their own promotion or the promotion of vital truth video content.

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Step Out in Faith

Sometimes all we need do is take a few steps regarding accomplishing something we may fear greatly yet want to accomplish.  People do fear change.  But once we step out in faith what once looked so scarey turns out not near as bad as we thought it would be.  We overcome fear by courage.

God sometimes has us step out in faith to grow and nurture our faith.  Each man is given a measure of faith, some let it fall away, others walk in it and it grows and becomes a strong active faith that moves untold mountains

But know this, soon we will see the results of our prayers and all of our work done by The inspiration of The Holy Spirit.

And the greatest is Love, but Faith, and Hope remain eternal as well.