There’s No Escaping The Creators Harvest Time


But we can get the pass to the New Earth or Heaven…or Lake of Fire which is the soul death.  Not a torture chamber.  At least not for the average person.  Biblical verses do say that the Serpents who have hurt His children will suffer a long torturous consequence.  And then end up in Hell.

Naomi Wolf Investigative Reporter on Youtube channel blckbx

Watch on youtube “If Europe does not wake up, you will all be dead says Naomi Wolf author of “Facing the Beast”

The illness is in the cure. The administered cure is the problem in other words.  The cure is the cause of the illness!

Continue reading “There’s No Escaping The Creators Harvest Time”

Corona Virus Decoded. Corona Discharge Explained in Simple Terms

& The Predicted Catastrophical Plasma Event

Original article by Dana A. rewritten & edited by Edgar L.

I wasn’t certain before about my theory that the virus isn’t a virus. I realized in 2017 that media lies about EVERYTHING. But that also they give in your face clues.

Why Are You Back On The Topic of Corona Discharge Dana?

What if the elite did want to alert us of what is really happening in our world?

What if they could not openly tell the masses that environmental peril is at hand because of widespread violent panic?

But they still wanted to warn at least some people so the few could utilize at least some protective measures?

Corona Virus- Corona Discharge.

Continue reading “Corona Virus Decoded. Corona Discharge Explained in Simple Terms”

Hazardous Waste =Sell more Water to the Sleeping Masses.

Who Benefits from the recent Toxic disasters?

If the Beast can pollute all of Ohio, Michigan’s water supply with toxins and get the numbers of tests to read what they want “polluted”.  Then they can write heinous laws to sell you water which God in Heaven provided to His children FOR FREE.  And in abundance.

The Bastards are already trying to outlaw wells.  They will answer for their crimes against mankind, Earth, and humanity.

The love of money is the root of most evil on Earth.

Looking Into the Face of the Beast

It’s not pretty to watch or to think similar to the most evil greediest money driven bastards on the face of the Earth.  They compete by numbers with their fellows.  They compete by numbers on a screen that say “I won”.  Collateral damage is their handiwork.  They have no care for human life or morality.  They know nothing of poverty except spiritual poverty.

Born with a golden spoon up their snout they have no compassion for those in need.  Those who do not have enough money to buy the next meal.  Those who are poisoned by their collateral damage are a bonus.  “Too many cattle on this Earth anyway, the more we kill the better off we are!” says the Beast with no empathy.

The Earth Itself Is the Most Efficient Water Purifier Known to Man.

So….water is free and it is in abundance.  Of course don’t try to convince a millennial about primary under earth water and wells which provide it free to us.  They will say water is in short supply.  Even if they have a well in their back yard they will still say “water is in short supply”.

Why?  Because the programming is very efficient emotionally.  It goes as deep as their heart.

Make a God Box and put your fears in it. If the man says he has no fear the Truth is not in him. We should be afraid. Don’t let them shame you to repress fear. REpressed fear gains power over us. Expressed fear loses power by Truth.
Goats who have no God go to the Lake of soul destruction. Those who serve the The Dark Lord shall have their place in Hell. God owns the Earth and He is taking it BACK RIGHT NOW.

Continue reading “Hazardous Waste =Sell more Water to the Sleeping Masses.”

Pale Horse Rides. Stew Peters Movie Exclusive

We thank you S. Peters for your work in this move and the many people who have stood up and shared death statistics in spite of strong opposition by widespread sin sure ship efforts.

Rev. 9:5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

Do NOT watch this if you were back sin ate Ed. with the clot chot.

ECO Living In the Country. Possum Friends.

What You Didn’t Know About Garbage Disposal

If you live in the country or outskirts of town, rural.   It helps immensely with work haul to have three things.  Possum’s and a wild garden.  Along with a place for food waste that is cooked. Also you should study to “Eat the Weeds”.

We are the ones who decide to make the Possum either a Pest or an Alleigh.

The O’Possum is more scared of you than you of him.  He will panic and scurry away if you walk outside onto the porch.   Possums snoop around for food waste and will get into the garbage cans if they are not secure.  Use metal garbage cans with lids.  The lids work very well to keep out the Possum. Don’t hurt him, please!  If your wise, you will have a much greater job for him to do FOR YOU.  Than being a pest to you.  See Possum paragraph below.

O’Possum is my Best Pan Scrubber EVER! Baked on Parmesan noodles, bacon grease, you name it.  No more scrubbing horrid messes. Make no mistake auto dishwashers got NOTHIN’ on this guy.

Continue reading “ECO Living In the Country. Possum Friends.”

To All Christians Salvation 101

Just to Clarify My Recent Jazweeh End of Days Article.

“Hand” is not G1188 As in the script “a mark on thy right hand or forehead”  G1188 “the right side”.   Nevertheless the bible is unreliable.  We must follow our heart.  By becoming the clay in God’s hands our heart will lead us in to all goodness & Truth by The Holy Spirit He gives us.

The revealing of abomination of desolation the locust from the pit as being a dark spirit perched on the heads of many Christians is scary.  But we are all if saved, it is by Faith.  And we are forgiven by Grace.  God Himself has assured me that He did not create us to be perfect. Nor could we emotionally handle perfection as humans.  We would, if perfect, sinless, become vain, judgmental, and feel no need for God.  We would fall into perdition if we were sinless perfection as Jesus was when human.

Continue reading “To All Christians Salvation 101”

Bob Barber at End Times Dreams & Visions

Some Christians are expecting to be raptured before any great tribulation problems occur.  My question is this…if they/we are not raptured along with the young children will we be so pissed we curse God?  Or will we seek God even more fervently and sustain Hope for whatever His will is for us.  That is the wisdom.  “Thy will be done in my life”.  This isn’t easy to pray sometimes.

Sorry folks the video was removed by the uploader.

In 1985 It Snowed in San Antonio-Not Normal

Texas Mexico Flags

In 1977 it Snowed in Tampa-Not Normal

Un-edited written fast.

I was in both of these anomaly winter storms and NEITHER time were there power outages.  Freezing and power outages are not and never have been synonymous so WHY would they be so now?  To be fair the usual tree limbs falling and other certain small scale electrical issues do happen because of freezing conditions.

Continue reading “In 1985 It Snowed in San Antonio-Not Normal”

The SoundS of Silence Simon & Garfunkel

Prophecy of the Coming Age of Bio-Tech Zombies Who Sport the Mark of the Beast

The Sounds of Silence (post M.Effect. “sound of silence”) Simon & Garfunkel….”the words of the prophets are written on the subway wall & tenement hall”…

Scroll for lyrics without commentary below.

Lyrics & Commentary

Hello darkness, my old friend
I’ve come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping-If you shut off emf (router,phone,tv,etc) while you sleep you will wake up with new knowledge as God Himself or His aids teach you while you sleep.
And the vision that was planted in my brain—thoughts and history are now being implanted in human brains by wifi.  False history is here and people preferred the lie the LIE.

Still remains
Within the sound of silence

Continue reading “The SoundS of Silence Simon & Garfunkel”

Florida is Having Geo Magnetic Storms Nearly Every Day

The Storms Include a New Weird Super Bright Camera Flash Type of Lightening that set off my Microwave Leakage Detector.

Sidenote-(Get rid of your microwave or go in another room when destroying the nutrients in your food by microwaving.  As for the new lightening and my meter tests, I only did one test so I need to do more experiments with the detector meter to confirm the statement of lightening putting out microwaves according to the meter.  The readings were low by the way and did not exceed safe limits.  There are variables to consider more on that later.

Update “Interactive .gov air ozone map”  Hidden in plain sight.

Health effects of ground level air ozone

The new lightening is similar to the old “heat lightening” we used to get but VERY different still.  Much harsher, brighter, and we are losing electronics because of the hard and fast strikes.   Its gotten so bad that I unplug everything thats delicate like TV’s computers, router, dvr’s, charge controllers solar and so on because I am NOT replacing them all YET AGAIN.

The Last Strike Earlier This Month.

Last time we had a hard strike I lost 2 dvr’s, Direct tv swim, 1 charge controller(solar), 1 TV, and TV 2 no longer can connect to internet which means the electricity travelled not only through the electric cords but also through the ethernet.  The whole house is hard wired.  What IF I had been running wifi?

Continue reading “Florida is Having Geo Magnetic Storms Nearly Every Day”

Satan Falls Like Lightning from Heaven May 27th, 2020

Satan Has Fallen and The Dragon Shall Now Rise on Earth

What does the spaceX Dragon Rocket flight mean in spiritual terms and decoded?  The Beast/Dragon is here and is rising.

Jazweeh had a real time vision while in a dream sleeping. She was startled as Satan himself approached her in her front yard. He is here on Earth now.  She and I am sure of it.  He has fallen like lightening.  It is done.  Many saw him fall to earth over Turkey and Armenia like lightening or meteorite.

Continue reading “Satan Falls Like Lightning from Heaven May 27th, 2020”

Jazweeh Has Seen Who the Anti-Christ and False Prophet Are.

EYA On YouTube Video Below

Important Update to this article

The Head Wound to the Antichrist (please know also the words false prophet and antichrist are being removed from all bibles to confuse it all)

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.


“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”


You bet they worship warren Chinese buffet False prophet who predicts financial prophecy often online.  With all that money, billions represented by gates of hell and Warren Chinese buffet and whoever it is these two public figures represent who hide behind corporate these front men.  And they are puppets most likely.

I just realized what the “head wound” from Rev. 13:3 was.  Billy goat gates of hell had his great pride wounded by a man throwing a pie into his face (head wound) literally wounding greatly his pride and making him a public mockery spectacle.  However after the humiliation likely a ritual the A.Christ. was lifted up pubically as savior of the earth by his C.V. and other back scene’s.  Amazing. Another prophecy ….fulfilled.  Know this, these prophecies are not going to look like the way the church dictates nor will the bible be accurate to a tee.

“And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”


The Anti-Christ Has Clearly Revealed Himself as Billy-Goat Gateors and the False Prophet is clearly War-on the Chinese food Buffet. (I

And a great plume of fire rose up into the sky causing sickness around the whole city due to Lubrizol Warren Buffet’s chemical company.

Rev 13:12
And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.


Rev 13:13

And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

I am very serious here.  And I think you know why this is my belief.  I have never been so certain nor have any two ever fit the bill so squarely.   As for Gate-s information A.Christ. see his intentions to Vax the entire WORLD and what with on on EYA video below.

The Gates of Hell Shall NOT Prevail Against Us the Chosen of God.  Come to find out Gates of Hell’s mothers name is “Mary” of all things…

IMPORTANT UPDATE TO ARTICLE January 2, 2021- There is now a prophecy from a Jewish "Rabbi" Kaduri that mentions a 3rd gate according to "watchmen for that great day" on Youtube. I have not been able to find info on one part of the alleged prophecy. But its worth note-ing.  Kaduri before he died at the late age of over 100 years old said he met the Messiah.  And that it was truly Jesus The Christ.(that part of prophecy is confirmed)  And also that (the unconfirmed part)Jesus will return just as He said He would following the destruction of the "THIRD GATE". 
What's the third gate?  You might ask. I believe Jesus will Himself destroy [William Henry Gates III] the antichrist soon to be inhabited by Satan himself.   Gates of Hell put into power by the false prophet (fulfilment of bible false prophet prophecy in relation to the antichrist's power source.)  War on [Buffet] "The Oracle of Omaha" & Eugenicist [War on Buffet](sound it out)is the F.Prophet. who put gates into power quite literally.  Kaduri went on to say that "the third gate" is Israeli government. A government who by the way -the Jews publicly interpret "3rd gate" as their governmental systems in Israel. Israel government has put on a show of failed elections and two leaders named Benjamin yet another Jewish prophecy fulfilled at large. Just like UK is left also in limbo with Brexit and now the U.S in limbo w/Trump Bid on situation)the Jewish leaders lie (I believe) about who or what the 3rd gate is to keep their secrets.

Come to find out Trump’s mama also has name “Mary” ….they may both be the antichrist of end times.  But I do not see a false prophet propping Trump up like B. Gates.  Granted he did say “I am the chosen one” and Israel treat him like a god that’s for sure.  He loves Israel and he insists he does not ever repent “I just ah ah try to do better”.  He sputtered out when a reporter asked him about his own repentance activity if any.  You don’t get to where he is by being holy or even honest, giving, generous, and compassionate…you just don’t.

Mary Anne MacLeod is Trump is Donald J. Trump’s mother.

Boy Did We Call this One

I still think Gates will come up with a back scene that most people will be desperate for when available and they will consider him a savior for it….but first people will have to die of some alleged virus before people will really be desperate.  Or maybe the deception and idea of a scary virus will be enough to provoke people to desperation.

Dec 14, 2020 — The first injection was administered to a New York nurse on the front lines of the covid-19 fight.

EYA on Youtube–  Another vid bites the dust.

All YT vids of EYA will now be gone as they were also removed from YT  You can find her at EYA Report BUT she already has a community guidelines strike.

“Community guidelines” is code for “CENSORSHIP”  More maritime laws.

EYA Confirms the Anti-Christ’s Identity and confirms the False Prophet.  But seriously FATHER GOD &
His Holy Spirit have Revealed these Identities to us (I confess, in spite of my ego that wants to take credit for this revelation, forgive my flesh that will be with me until my end in this plain.) & the AntiChrist has revealed himself.

In short, Kat at EYA verified “gates of hell” and whoever he represents (the dark shadowy powerful ones who have no empathy toward the masses) as the A.C.  isn’t it interesting those who see the s.n.b.c. also agree on who A.C. is.
Sorry. Another video displayed by Dana bites the dust. EYA’s channel was deleted from YT. Now she has EYA Report.

Continue reading “Jazweeh Has Seen Who the Anti-Christ and False Prophet Are.”

Perhaps The “Typhoid Mary” Concept Was Always a LIE

Typhoid Mary just another HOAX?

I see the historical setting now in my minds eye.  A beautiful woman the lover of some high ranking politician back in the days the beast system for propaganda sake named “The dark ages”.  Well that paints a picture in itself doesn’t it.

The dark ages for the beast perhaps, because people GREW THEIR OWN FOOD and could not be controlled and poisoned by their chemical potions.

Continue reading “Perhaps The “Typhoid Mary” Concept Was Always a LIE”

The Elites Have Gone too Far and Outed Themselves by their Dialogue

Truth in Plain Sight by Dorothy R. Stirrum

Know them by who they show you they are not by who they tell you they are.

Dana’s video today see here was very enlightening.  By it I realized the following.

Dana showed a clip of an Australian officer of some sort, stating that people should get their daily exercise and then go straight home!  Because, he said “YOU COULD BE SPREADING THE VIRUS WHILE YOU HAVE NO SYMPTOMS”.  God forbid!

Think about that statement …

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