Blood God “Modi” New Jesus Vs. True Jesus

An Angry Jane article.

Verse of the day Isaiah 11:6 (Lion & Lamb magically changes to Lamb & Wolf) Verse #2 is Amos 11:6 the famine of God’s words on Earth.

The Lion of Judah Jesus the Son of God no longer lies with the lambs. He has left both the churches and the holy books. He has gone to prepare a place for His sheep who know His voice.


“A greedy and idolatrous bloodline seek a sign.  But no sign is given to them except the miraculous sign of the many watchmen on the image of the beast TV.

The end of days sign of Jonah the watchmen. For just as Jonah warned the masses so too we have an array of Watchmen proclaiming Jesus’ return.  THE WATCHMEN ARE THE SIGN OF JONAH FOR OUR TIME.

Continue reading “Blood God “Modi” New Jesus Vs. True Jesus”

Pale Horse Rides. Stew Peters Movie Exclusive

We thank you S. Peters for your work in this move and the many people who have stood up and shared death statistics in spite of strong opposition by widespread sin sure ship efforts.

Rev. 9:5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

Do NOT watch this if you were back sin ate Ed. with the clot chot.

The American Dream

You Must Be Asleep to Attain It!

How to get saved

waL=Law  Be sure to read the prediction warning at the bottom of the page before clicking out.

All About The Walton's | Popular 1970's TV Show

Dear Readers,

This link is to a terrifying article with revelations on The Tower of Babel, The Covenant with many, and what is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

Mart= Mart-ial=Martial Law.

Oh that was the name of the sweet old man Sam Walton. Who benevolently clawed his way up the hill of money from nothing.  Rags to riches the American DREAM.

Continue reading “The American Dream”

SEVERAL New Blood Types Now Categorized

But “Its not the mark, its not the mark” to the tune of Bethovan’s 5th.

Move over CRISPR tech! mRNA design w/nano is here. The keys of gold to human cellular nucleus are now in the hands of the beast. The beast who has called us monkeys from the start.
IT AIN’T PRETTY! DANGER! Says the Crypt Master. This article should only be read by free thinkers.

Warning – This article contains the “F” word. Also it has some coded words.  Please, Don’t read this article if you took the portion potion and stand for the system who gave it.  Unless you had a bad initial reaction and did not take any more of them.  And if you no longer trust the beast.  Then you may want to read further.   You may also like

FOR NEW BLOOD TYPES YOU NEED NEW DNA CELL LINES. All New. triple strand in science is a thing.

Continue reading “SEVERAL New Blood Types Now Categorized”

Rumors of Wars

Angry Jane Screams!  PISH POSH!

Angry Janey. “Be angry and sin not”.

The agenda of the (TV) now days is a fear porn gala.  War war war!  Nuclear War! They scream.

Off topic-Suspicious0bservers Excellent Solar Weather Channel

Jazweeh Says No War Will Happen & Angry Jane Concurs

Butt!  They may televise a very elaborate FAKE WAR on the image of the beast. (TV).   Expect it.   They will likely show a nuclear explosion.  And speak of fallout that doesn’t exist the way the movies portray nuke fallout.  THEY LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING.   Some say they have seen workers at certain off ramps planting explosives.  Imagine being stuck on the interstate unable to get your car off by the ramp.  This is all guess work and projection.  We could be totally wrong about everything.

Continue reading “Rumors of Wars”

What Next for End of Days Events on Earth?

The Earth Is In For Big Changes

 Back Scene Side Notes
Chimpanzee adenoviruses Codes.  (C1, C2, C5, C6, C7, C68)

Its very hard to research mRNA back scenes.  Every word that's important in the research for learning is changed to a coded word so regular searches don't work.  Like the word to represent "chimpanzee Dee aN Aye" that is in the A.Zen. back scene (codes shown above).  

At the link above the elite will tell admit and tell you the monkey dee anne aye is harmless as are the Cancer cell lines that they also add to the mix.  Adding Cancercelllines to all the popular back scenes for quick replication of cell growth/geneexpression.  The code word for cancer being "Immortalized cell lines".  And "Hek la" cell ines.  Henrietta lacks the first cervical cancer victim whose cancer cells they were able to replicate (fast growing fast growing) in a petri dish. Cancer is in the back scene under the guise (immortalized cell lines) Sure they say the cancer is "purified" right but they don't tell you that cells in your own body can activate the Cancer unexpectedly from time to time.  After all Cancer is pig farm a's favorite cash kow.

Please, repentance still works and also not all genome therapy takes hold first trip.  That is proven.  Sometimes nurture wins out over nature. Nature being the back scene devices entering your cell’s nucleus.  But not only that.  Also some people’s immune system can stop the genetic changes in there tracks.  Your not hopeless for making a spiritual error.  With God all things are possible.

In theory.  From my observations of the events of the last three years since the end of 2020 I have made some hypothesis.  Also some predictions are facts.  I really don’t know what’s next but most feel something is coming, something big.

Never limit God He is not predictable whatsoever.  If you made a mistake “all things work together for the good to those who Love God” pray like never before. Praise and worship are your oil in the lamp.  Prayer is how God/Jesus gets to know us.  So He doesn’t say “I never knew you”.

Continue reading “What Next for End of Days Events on Earth?”

I Pet Goat 2 Decode 2020

See update to this article here.


Jazweeh took a shot at watching & decoding the I Pet Goat prophecy video on You tube.   Granted, if it was given by those who planned and knew what was written in the video and soon coming to earth, then its a self fulfilling prediction by those in power. (Related articles at the end of the page.)

Update Links confirming Ozone Level threats and health affects that mock C.V. symptoms

“Interactive .gov air ozone map”  Hidden in plain sight.

This is a scary interpretation so be warned. The only ones who will fully resonate with this prophecy are the elect who see the dividing of time and the two realities, even the strong delusion and the Mandela effects.

I will not be posting the obvious interpretations that are already well documented.  The deep mysteries in the I Pet Goat II video that no one else has interpreted or seen (yet).

Jazweeh says______”to know the interpretation of a mystery one must have first seen or at least conceived of the events to be interpreted.  This is the key to her interpretation and why she sees what others do not in the popular prophecy video.  What happened to the I Pet God (1) video?  Its no where to be found online.

Jazweeh is the 144, the intercessor, the people of Revelation 12 are the elect, they are the woman who travailed & overcame.

Interpretation I Pet Goat II

Continue reading “I Pet Goat 2 Decode 2020”

Elimination of Spirituality by Genetic Bio-Attack on the Brain

I cannot confirm that this video is authentic but its important as an ideal for info.

The people who poison EVERYTHING are the people in charge of EVERYTHING. Know them by who they show you they are not by who you are and who they say they are. These controllers are not like us. Seems those who rule are sociopaths with NO conscience. We should be living to 200 years old if we were not being poisoned. (see google doodle bithdays?) Then more people would have a clue about the real enemy.

Bob Barber at End Times Dreams & Visions

Some Christians are expecting to be raptured before any great tribulation problems occur.  My question is this…if they/we are not raptured along with the young children will we be so pissed we curse God?  Or will we seek God even more fervently and sustain Hope for whatever His will is for us.  That is the wisdom.  “Thy will be done in my life”.  This isn’t easy to pray sometimes.

Sorry folks the video was removed by the uploader.

Spiritual Gifts & Powers

Spiritual Power

No, we are not saved by the right works & works alone.  Granted you could say everything is works even prayer and a relationship with God are works.  But by works I mean “good deeds”.  It is our Faith and our condition of the heart toward God & man that God looks upon in us.  Our status in the realm of The Spirit after death however, depends on the works we have carried out while vulnerable, naive, weak, and human.  Courageous righteous acts carry alot of weight like giving your life so another can live.  Do we not reap what we sow?

Continue reading “Spiritual Gifts & Powers”


The Elite who have been very hard to predict to a “T” in the past, are now becoming very predictable as they crush small business, while the masses lose their jobs now they can hire our own people against us.

The Gaggle Ad below popped up on site I visit.

You can bet these blind & sleeping (and the unknowing needy & desperate) who take FEMA jobs will care nothing about anyone as long as they get their paycheck.  And the power will go straight to their head.  They will enjoy the violence and have no regrets because “hey we are just doing our job” and what?  That rationalizes any action?

Was George Floyde One of The Prophesied “Two Witnesses” Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES?


Why are so many people trashing this murdered guy’s reputation?  I got an email today saying “he was a porn star”.  Thing is born again Christians ALWAYS have tainted pasts.  That is the miracle about being born again.  God changes our heart, actions, wants, likes,morals.

Continue reading “Was George Floyde One of The Prophesied “Two Witnesses” Killed in The Street WHILE THE WORLD WATCHES?”

Satan Falls Like Lightning from Heaven May 27th, 2020

Satan Has Fallen and The Dragon Shall Now Rise on Earth

What does the spaceX Dragon Rocket flight mean in spiritual terms and decoded?  The Beast/Dragon is here and is rising.

Jazweeh had a real time vision while in a dream sleeping. She was startled as Satan himself approached her in her front yard. He is here on Earth now.  She and I am sure of it.  He has fallen like lightening.  It is done.  Many saw him fall to earth over Turkey and Armenia like lightening or meteorite.

Continue reading “Satan Falls Like Lightning from Heaven May 27th, 2020”

Quantum Dot Needle Array & Legal Censorship

Quantum Dot Tattoo Conspiracy & Censorship

Long Short of It two topics?

The following excerpt from the article in the new humanitarian says its okay and even vital to censor information on social media using posting bots.  They post their own agendas as if they were real people.  Not just be deleting posts but also posting calling it “FREE PLACEMENT” to have corporate dictators propaganda efforts accomplished.  This results in the twisting of the minds of those who are unaware of mind control and its strong successful manipulation of humans.

Continue reading “Quantum Dot Needle Array & Legal Censorship”