Etsy Sellers Dropping Prices. Time to shop!

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“Strippers Gotta Eat too!”  Says the Seamstress of Hand made Exoticwear.


Quad thong Set with Choker.

Etsy does it again by showing its seller that it’s primary purpose is not just to make it’s own money$$.  But also Etsy makes certain its sellers can keep their feet above water in the profits department.

Etsy Stripper Outfits Store Link

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Fallen Angel Million Dollar Club $$.

Tales by Angry Jane.

DISCLAIMER: Mike from around the world does not co-sign this particular article it’s an alternative viewpoint by Angry Jane.  We believe our readers are mature enough to allow free thought and free ideas online.

Most Christians who follow rapture channels on youtube won’t like this article much.  It contradicts popular beliefs about fallen angels.


That demons below and Angels above have equal names and mirrored existences.

Where there is an Azazel below.  There is an Azazeliel above.  God made three realms of Earth in perfect balance.  However middle Earth where we are is completely out of balance with evil dominating.

Demon Azazel/Azazeliel

Demons bad, Angels good.  Angels cannot be tempted by flesh since they are Spirit.


Angels are not flesh to be tempted of demons.  They are spirit. They are not in a position where they need to choose between evil and good.  Holy Angels always do exactly what God Almighty made them to do.  They are good ministering Spirits.  And have many helps for mankind.  Every person has an Angel to get to know.  There are NO EVIL DARK ANGELS.  It is a contradiction of terms and blasphemy toward God’s Deity to say they are evil.


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Coming Red Dawn Event? Maybe.

As the four Angels of God pour out their viles so too Venus, Mars, scatter dust by their tails.   And two other planets most likely have formed tails as well.  Their tails are red/orange Iron Oxide becoming flammable when it’s ionized by the Sun.

“Venus” (the new bright and morning star) Is Made Up of Iron Oxide.



How do I know this?  First you can see the viles being poured with binoculars.   And the Red Kachina appeared with his sister “Blue Kachina”.  She is more mild mannered and speaks openly to the chosen few.

Since the they’s are calling the Red Kachina “Venus”.  They are also revealing it’s surface content & tail emissions.  They say Venus is made up of Ferric Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) , and Hematite.  The tail of a comet/planet spewing it’s dust is the carnal way of looking at it.

Jazweeh gave a prediction a few years back of “Red Dust”. Egypt deserts suffered from lung issues with five thousand hospitalized (allegedly) because of it a couple years back. Furthermore we predicted and gave the words of the Angel testifying of pouring out red dust upon the Earth.  Long before we knew the contents of the tails of Venus and of Mars.

The Massive Life Sustaining Tunnel Systems Built Underground 

We believe since the chem trails have stopped they are no longer trying to save Earth from the Sun’s radiation.  This clearly means that the few who paid to go deep underground have taken their place in the Earth.  They are desperate for protection from the Sun which they are sure would have killed them.

We assume they have closed circuit TV hooked into our TV’s to monitor any home they choose which has a TV camera.  How convenient it would be for them to watch the outside world.  Those who they left behind die from the sun and the red dust.  So as the Earth burns from the ferrous Iron Oxide.  And as the sun ignites more and more devices causing explosions here and there in any factory working with fire/steam/heat.  They have quite a view if they know what to watch.


Iron Born?

Game of Power.  “Game of Thrones”

Have you seen the disturbing Hulu TV series called “Game of Thrones”?  There are two ways of watching it.  One for entertainment & the other for an education.  That’s right.  However without deprogramming from the Beast system one cannot likely watch TV for education.  Only God can change hearts.

More on that below.

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Prophecy In Music “Yes Fragile” Roundabout. Encouragement New Earth

Encouragement for the chosen few.

The Wise Shall Understand the rest will not see.

From the Heart of the Seer comes God’s Truth.

They shall learn who they are.  And mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not falter, they shall crush & overcome the serpent by talents of God Almighty.  And by the breath of God with their Breathren they stand firm on foundations of God by FAITH & of HOPE.

They drink at the well of power.  They rode the sacred mule.  And they met Jesus at the well of souls and the wells of Love.

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C.V. [Back Sin A Shaun] [In Greed I Ants] Decode

What Was Really In the Back Scene?

You cannot unread this.  If you took the final solution think twice before reading this decode of the in greed I ants.

Another mystery of the bible’s script to be decoded by “the wise”.

Sidenote:  Is it a sin to call one’s self “wise”?  And what if it’s Truth.  In this realm of Earth the code of status quo says this.

“Never say anything good about yourself.  And demoralize your self regularly to show humility. (Yet an insulting lie is FALSE humility).

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My Sexual Choices Are In No Way Subject to The Beast System

Or Status Quo.


How dare the Beast system require a “License of law” for my vows and choices of bride or partner.

The eyes are the window to the soul.  Turn your eyes from the woman/man lest they enslave you to their whiles and ways during the spiritually vulnerable state of sexual submission.

Relationships 101

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Propaganda Techniques Practiced by Beast Media

What are Some of the Techniques the Beast Uses to Pollute the Hearts & Minds of the Masses?  

Scroll to the bottom for my latest theory on a recent & huge propaganda campaign agenda by the Image of the Beast (TV/Phone).

    1. Fear is for pus*ies.  Early brainwashing of the youth with words like “chicken shit, pussy, panzy, (from chimpanzee) woosey, worm, spineless, yellow belly & so on.
    2.  The action of condemning all human emotion.  Since after all emotion is exactly the element which makes us human.  And fear saves lives.  In some cases we should be afraid.  So we hide our fear away and it gains power over us.  Since we are as sick as our secrets.  Fear expressed (to an empathic listener) is fear relieved.

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Answers-California & Canada Fires

How to Prevent Burning Down The House

How do we prevent the coming house super fires like in California.  Fires that burned every inch of the homes it consumed.  What’s with all the new type fires?  What’s with the new internal tree fires?  What’s with the new super-hot ceramic & porcelain bathtub burning stove melting FIRES????

ANSWERS by Spiritual Insight & intelectual surmise.  Yes theory but don’t stop reading now.  Study the matter then take it or leave it.

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Corona Virus Decoded. Corona Discharge Explained in Simple Terms

& The Predicted Catastrophical Plasma Event

Original article by Dana A. rewritten & edited by Edgar L.

I wasn’t certain before about my theory that the virus isn’t a virus. I realized in 2017 that media lies about EVERYTHING. But that also they give in your face clues.

Why Are You Back On The Topic of Corona Discharge Dana?

What if the elite did want to alert us of what is really happening in our world?

What if they could not openly tell the masses that environmental peril is at hand because of widespread violent panic?

But they still wanted to warn at least some people so the few could utilize at least some protective measures?

Corona Virus- Corona Discharge.

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Strobe Lightening The New Normal

To Jeff.  With search terms “ball lightning” and “St. Elmos fire” you will find more verification of the internal tree fires being plasma fires.  Here are links to articles that state St. Elmos fire is PLASMA.

On link above search the terms plasma, and corona discharge on that page article is long.

The new strobe lightning in FL is producing the coronal discharges of plasma.

This wikipedia article confirms the plasma in a naturally occuring corona discharge.  St elmo’s fire is coronal discharges.  The new fire made of plasma.

Bottom line the corona discharges are plasma based.  So very likely so too are the internal tree fires (now the new fire is being called St. Elmos fire or witches fire) are also plasma based. C.Discharges are happening in the air with no metal involved.

Sorry for the redundancy.

Strobe Lightning Is Caused by Radiation Overload on Earth’s Surface.

I walked outside of my house during a light sprinkle of rain.  Thunder was about over.  Yet I was startled by an eye shock of “strobe lightning”.  This is the lightning that doesn’t strike as a rod high in the sky.  But rather it travels close to Earth exploding like a tiny bomb.  And then producing a flash of strobe with a violet to blue corona discharge.

Continue reading “Strobe Lightening The New Normal”

What Are Dreams For?

The Beast Is A Bully Who Uses Fear. Overcoming Fear Strengthens Us.

Use the God Box.

Fear crushing mantras.

  1. Out of the problem into the solution.
  2. Greater is the Holy Spirit & Jesus in me than the beast in the world.
  3. Walk through the fear.  Not allowing it to paralyze me emotionally.
  4. God grant me the wisdom and courage to overcome fear & change the things I can & should.

Dreams are for overcoming self deception and for understanding our hidden emotional being.  Dreams are for understanding ourselves and helping us through difficult times.

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The Serpent Beguiled Eve.

Fallen Angel tech or Demonic Devices?—–Jazweeh

Massive Campaign of Fallen Angel Propaganda.

Who is Satan really?  Because I have not met him.  Furthermore NEVER have I been attacked by Angels.  It’s demons who infest mankind.  And its demons who tempted Eve.  “God does not tempt mankind.”  I do not know who the King of Demons is but He is not an Angel.  And the term “Angel of the bottomless pit” is likely skewed and changed as much of the babbles are changed.

Continue reading “The Serpent Beguiled Eve.”

What’s All This Talk of a “Hybrid Workforce”?

Do not read this if you took the final solution.  What will become of those who do not comply?  Rapture we Hope and soon.  God is Love and He still forgives those who repent.

The Day of the Crow is Here.  The towers of babble are effectively skewing all language and dialects.  The strong delusion is here.

The new popular narrative says the hybrid workforce means to work online and from home or online from coffee shops.  But sometimes the ‘theys’ say what they mean and mean what they say.  The masses are a hybrid workforce.

It’s Likely the Security Companies Who are Breaching Our Privacy.

A world of surveillance.  The beast who runs things cannot let one text, one email, one article, one statement one word or one sound mankind makes go unrecorded, undocumented, unanalyzed, or uncensored.

The new race of hybrids will be lockstep with the beast now that they are no longer God Almighties Human Beings.  They are creatures according to the new Dark Lord’s rewritten babbles.

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White Sun. We Finally Have a Solid Theory

For What Is Happening On Earth

Look at the wire.  That is a Sun Lazor literally a lazor. I took this picture myself and caught the lazor on film. And the sun is changing daily. Now we have not only glowing clouds in the East at sunset. But we have glowing clouds throughout the eastern, northern, and southern skies at sunset. This glowing clouds effect denotes the continuing intensity of the brightness of the White Dwarf Neutron Sun.

And yet oddly in Florida the nights normally would be hot.  It’s nearly June 2023. We are having cool downs at night of temperatures that range in the low to high 90’s during the day and plummet down as far as 59 degrees at night. This is not normal for Florida.  Today 5-26-23 I awoke and looked at the thermometer.  It was again 59 degrees at around noon.  Extremely strange because normally (the new normal) it would of heated up by then from the night low.  Granted we are glad we don’t need air conditioners at night.  But if it gets much colder we will be using heaters in Florida in the summer at night.

I live with a man who continually denies the changes of weather.  He sings “same as it ever was….same as it ever was….” Don’t click this link unless you are prepared to look into the supernatural miracles called “signs and wonders”.

By the strong delusion many people don’t remember what was normal six years hence. And will say “same as it ever was, same as it ever was” due to the towers of babble which steal their memories and upload new fake memories.

It’s no wonder the elite are keeping the people blind and ignorant to their quickly impending doom.   When people become very afraid they act like homicidal maniacs.  Including the elite with their genocidal remedies.  They form packs and follow leaders who are the blind leading the blind.  Inevitably after all the Earth side winding murderous experiments on men facing disasters we humans have failed our tests of compassion and patience miserably.  Leaving compassion to the wind and embracing drastic & violent measures we hurt ourselves and others when put in bad situations.  It’s shown in truth drops from many a tv series about the end of the world scenarios.

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