Quantum Dot Needle Array & Legal Censorship

Quantum Dot Tattoo Conspiracy & Censorship

Long Short of It two topics?

The following excerpt from the article in the new humanitarian says its okay and even vital to censor information on social media using posting bots.  They post their own agendas as if they were real people.  Not just be deleting posts but also posting calling it “FREE PLACEMENT” to have corporate dictators propaganda efforts accomplished.  This results in the twisting of the minds of those who are unaware of mind control and its strong successful manipulation of humans.

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Mother of The Anti-Christ Must be Named “Mary”

Maria Avedici Santoya Omen Mother of Damien Thorn.  Rose-Mary’s Baby.  And not surprising to see Mother Gate’s name is Mary Maxwell Gates.  And the Mother of Jesus obviously “Mary of Nazareth” of course the wife of Joseph the carpenter.  We are seeing a trend here.  The true Anti-Christ’s mother’s name must be a form of “Mary”.

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The Elite’s Agenda to Pit the Blind Sheeple Against Those Who Demand Freedom

Trump just said this:

“Open the churches as essential gatherings” but in doing so he is removing the governor’s state powers.  What I used to see as a safety net of democracy, our state sovereignty that allows individual states to make their own laws is nixed by Federalie Trump executive orders.

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Perhaps The “Typhoid Mary” Concept Was Always a LIE

Typhoid Mary just another HOAX?

I see the historical setting now in my minds eye.  A beautiful woman the lover of some high ranking politician back in the days the beast system for propaganda sake named “The dark ages”.  Well that paints a picture in itself doesn’t it.

The dark ages for the beast perhaps, because people GREW THEIR OWN FOOD and could not be controlled and poisoned by their chemical potions.

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The compliant and Deceived Sheeple can be Identified by Their Masks

Masked folks against UnMasked the Division Thickens.

Hear, See, Speak No Evil, being ‘negative’ is unkool according to status quo law.  Just as being a victim is unkool that way no one can see the assailant.

Satan roams to and fro on the Earth seeking whom he may DEVOUR.  “My people are destroyed all the day for lack of knowledge.”

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Bottom Line Face Masks are a Major Health Risk.

Article Written by Laura E.

First I will speak from first hand experience on fabric itself.   The more artificial the more toxic.  Except where fabric dyes are concerned which turn natural cottons into unnatural toxic articles of clothing.

In short…I am a seamstress by trade and I know for a fact that fabric dyes gave me Cancer.  Fibro Hystio Cytoma a Sarcoma to be exact.   How do I know that’s what caused the Cancer that by the way I did survive?

The tumor had to be cut from my leg, I then took their poison radiation cure, not knowing any better at the time….Meanwhile fall back a year or so prior pre-surgery as I sat in jail (long story of deliverance from years of drug addiction see my testimony videos) watching said tumor grow larger and larger on the back of my thigh a friend brought me an article he found in the newspaper,


Testimony of a Delivered Heroin/Cocaine/Drug Addict & Her Great Awakening

How to become who you really are.  I WAS the person who the beast system taught me I was.

Testimony at 14 Years Sober/Clean.

Drug Addiction, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks, Abusive Relationships, Oppressive Lethal Homicidal Drug Dealers, SICK Relationships, Stripping, Prostitution, Jail, Life of Crime, Miracle, Holy Spirit, Prayer & the Laying on of Hands,Supernatural Healing, Life Changing Spiritual Experience.

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Intercessors Now Torch Bearers Announce Jesus’ Return

To the True Intercessory Prayer Warriors of The Creator of the Heaven’s and the Earth

The links in this article are to jazweeh.com articles about the topic on the link.

What is Spirit Lead Intercessory prayer?  The Woman of Revelation 12 Represents God’s Spirit Filled Intercessors who travailed for souls years on end.  And now they bring the Greatest Annunciation.  The return of Jesus.

Who am I addressing this to?  Those who have the gift of tongues by which they pray in depth on what they are lead and can also pray on any topic with the gift.

The gift is subject to the man not the other way around.  Not to say that those intercessors cannot receive the “burden” to pray for a soul, they have.

I wrote an article alerting believers of a change happening to the intercessors.  These intercessors who once prayed in deep lamentation, supplication & labor by burdens from The Holy Spirit birthing deliverance for lost souls.

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Domain Name for Sale danaashlie.com

danaashlie.com is for sale by owner (website sold separately) domain name is for sale at a price of

For Sale



$$$  Undisclosed Price

Contact the owner of this domain Miss Dorothy Ruth Stirrum at admin@danaashlie.com with an offer and the domain name will be transferred to you. Website is a WordPress.ORG site and is available as well with SSL secure encryption, antivirus, site verification, SEO, and more see below.  The website in addiction is sold separately.

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Just Want to Throw this Topic Out there in the Spirit of “Test all things” According to Scripture

After all we cannot put anything past the beast, furthermore the security seal mentioned in the book of Daniel is removed in the end of days which are at hand.  God gave warning about changing the book and He even said it would happen.

Why is it that so many are so abruptly dis-tempered when approached and confronted to test this proclamation of KJVB SUPERNATURAL bible changes that so many of our brothers and sisters are witnessing today?  Should we not also test and see the matter?  Let us research the matter with an open mind as we KNOW by holy and unchanged scripture that JESUS NOT THE BIBLE IS “THE WORD OF GOD” according to John 1.

Or did the book say “In the beginning was the Bible and the bible was with God and the bible was God”?  John 1:1

Thank you EYA for allow us to post your hard work here.

Are We worshippers of The Truth, The LIfe, and The Way or are we worshippers of The Book? If we put the book on a High place and worship it as “The Word of God” we err. After all I can now put Ten translations in front of me that say ten contradicting terms.   Therefore I can burn the book, rip it to shreds, or retype the entire thing in my own words THUS obviously to those who are sane the book can easily be changed in the flesh.

Readers say the KJV Bible is being changed supernaturally and on-going.  They say its changing every week.  WHY OH WHY THEN DO SCHOLARS NOT SEE THIS?  Why do these few hundred thousand readers who are born again and claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit say the changes are blasphemous?

Please seek out this matter for yourselves with a sober and open mind.

Protect Yourself from EMF & 5 Gigahertz Bombardment

Update Fake Sun Proof!

The Beast System Revealed.

Know the beast system by who they show you they are not by who they tell you they are.

Article by Guest Writer Jazweeh from Jazweeh.com. For Clarity sake: this article is NOT written by Dana Ashlie

If you want to be safe from EMF cheaply, your going to have to study a bit.  Alternative to expensive ($20 a foot) silver fabric




EARTH Vibrates at mere 7.83 hertz.

IF you can get through this article, the photos, and skim the links you will understand that WiFi, cell phones, routers, microwave ovens, and other devices are lethal. I do mention here other extermination methods of the system but am not delving into them at depth here. If you read and study this article/links you will understand enough about frequencies to know that its no accident that people are getting Cancer.   New diseases will crop up looking like old diseases mainly the ones that are related to our own electromagnetic vibratory frequencies functions and the corruption thereof.

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Enochian Alphabet Vs. Computer Unicode Language

There are uncanny similarities between Unicode and The Enochian Alphabet

Also See below Programmers Create Standard Registered Klingon Unicode Computer Language.  Official Link to Registration of Klingon Language.

Did programmers create computer language from 1’s & 0’s to unicode from the Enochian alphabet? I have noticed Uncanny similarities between computer unicode and Enochian alphabet.   Please CLICK to enlarge photo.

Unicode Vs Enochian Alphabet
Unicode Vs Enochian Alphabet

Continue reading “Enochian Alphabet Vs. Computer Unicode Language”