What Next for End of Days Events on Earth?

The Earth Is In For Big Changes

 Back Scene Side Notes
Chimpanzee adenoviruses Codes.  (C1, C2, C5, C6, C7, C68)

Its very hard to research mRNA back scenes.  Every word that's important in the research for learning is changed to a coded word so regular searches don't work.  Like the word to represent "chimpanzee Dee aN Aye" that is in the A.Zen. back scene (codes shown above).  

At the link above the elite will tell admit and tell you the monkey dee anne aye is harmless as are the Cancer cell lines that they also add to the mix.  Adding Cancercelllines to all the popular back scenes for quick replication of cell growth/geneexpression.  The code word for cancer being "Immortalized cell lines".  And "Hek la" cell ines.  Henrietta lacks the first cervical cancer victim whose cancer cells they were able to replicate (fast growing fast growing) in a petri dish. Cancer is in the back scene under the guise (immortalized cell lines) Sure they say the cancer is "purified" right but they don't tell you that cells in your own body can activate the Cancer unexpectedly from time to time.  After all Cancer is pig farm a's favorite cash kow.

Please, repentance still works and also not all genome therapy takes hold first trip.  That is proven.  Sometimes nurture wins out over nature. Nature being the back scene devices entering your cell’s nucleus.  But not only that.  Also some people’s immune system can stop the genetic changes in there tracks.  Your not hopeless for making a spiritual error.  With God all things are possible.

In theory.  From my observations of the events of the last three years since the end of 2020 I have made some hypothesis.  Also some predictions are facts.  I really don’t know what’s next but most feel something is coming, something big.

Never limit God He is not predictable whatsoever.  If you made a mistake “all things work together for the good to those who Love God” pray like never before. Praise and worship are your oil in the lamp.  Prayer is how God/Jesus gets to know us.  So He doesn’t say “I never knew you”.

Continue reading “What Next for End of Days Events on Earth?”

Your Enemy Roams Earth Seeking to Devour You

It causes alot of Work to realize you have a consistent enemy who attacks.

Make no mistake, the elite are smart.  They will use your own character patterns against you.  It helps to know your own emotional weaknesses  & patterns to repel enemies.  With God all things are possible. If we have been self destructive and realize it,  He delivers mankind from themselves and from deception if we ask.  Humility is a good thing.  We all make mistakes.  The serpent is cunning.  We have no right to condemn ourselves.

Fear Is Part of the Human Condition for Survival

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