What Next for End of Days Events on Earth?

The Earth Is In For Big Changes

 Back Scene Side Notes
Chimpanzee adenoviruses Codes.  (C1, C2, C5, C6, C7, C68)

Its very hard to research mRNA back scenes.  Every word that's important in the research for learning is changed to a coded word so regular searches don't work.  Like the word to represent "chimpanzee Dee aN Aye" that is in the A.Zen. back scene (codes shown above).  

At the link above the elite will tell admit and tell you the monkey dee anne aye is harmless as are the Cancer cell lines that they also add to the mix.  Adding Cancercelllines to all the popular back scenes for quick replication of cell growth/geneexpression.  The code word for cancer being "Immortalized cell lines".  And "Hek la" cell ines.  Henrietta lacks the first cervical cancer victim whose cancer cells they were able to replicate (fast growing fast growing) in a petri dish. Cancer is in the back scene under the guise (immortalized cell lines) Sure they say the cancer is "purified" right but they don't tell you that cells in your own body can activate the Cancer unexpectedly from time to time.  After all Cancer is pig farm a's favorite cash kow.

Please, repentance still works and also not all genome therapy takes hold first trip.  That is proven.  Sometimes nurture wins out over nature. Nature being the back scene devices entering your cell’s nucleus.  But not only that.  Also some people’s immune system can stop the genetic changes in there tracks.  Your not hopeless for making a spiritual error.  With God all things are possible.

In theory.  From my observations of the events of the last three years since the end of 2020 I have made some hypothesis.  Also some predictions are facts.  I really don’t know what’s next but most feel something is coming, something big.

Never limit God He is not predictable whatsoever.  If you made a mistake “all things work together for the good to those who Love God” pray like never before. Praise and worship are your oil in the lamp.  Prayer is how God/Jesus gets to know us.  So He doesn’t say “I never knew you”.

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Your Enemy Roams Earth Seeking to Devour You

It causes alot of Work to realize you have a consistent enemy who attacks.

Make no mistake, the elite are smart.  They will use your own character patterns against you.  It helps to know your own emotional weaknesses  & patterns to repel enemies.  With God all things are possible. If we have been self destructive and realize it,  He delivers mankind from themselves and from deception if we ask.  Humility is a good thing.  We all make mistakes.  The serpent is cunning.  We have no right to condemn ourselves.

Fear Is Part of the Human Condition for Survival

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Heaven by Way of Hell

My Own: “Orange is the new Black”

My sobriety date is April of 2006.  I got clean on Good Friday and spent Easter weekend in a small holding cell going cold turkey off numerous drugs and alcohol.

See the source image

All my senses were heightened as the withdraw pains increased and I listened to the guards just outside my dark holding cell  drink, party, and play adult games.  Not long after I heard them torturing a woman in what they later refereed to as the “Black Chair”.

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Be Selfish & Be Charitable Anyway. Be Angry Yet Do No Harm

The Truth Shall Set You Free—But How?

First ‘the problem’ at the end of the page is my website for emotional deprogramming solutions.  Not everyone gets as thoroughly programmed as I was.  There are variables such as empathic and encouragement by parenting that can prevent to an extent trauma based programs from taking hold 100%.

Truth is magical.  It is spiritual armor.  Truth absolutely sets a man free when he embraces it to see his own heart.  I know this by experience.  I also know most of us think we already know who we are at heart level.

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To the Mandela Affected. You’re not Delusional After All.

  Do the many really believe in that which their eyes cannot see?  When it comes down to it…No.  They often just follow beliefs that are socially acceptable.  Few these days have escaped the hive mind.

Furthermore, only the dysfunctional who harm themselves or others can be appropriately labelled “Delusionally Dysfunctional” due to emotional trauma response behavior.

If you don’t see & remember history quite differently than the majority of mankind, fear not.  According to the powers on high, it’s evident you do not need to be shown that the supernatural is REAL.   Perhaps you already believe in God and are spiritually safe.   And perhaps you are being protected by God from the perplexing realizations of seeing first hand a fluid reality.

Continue reading “To the Mandela Affected. You’re not Delusional After All.”

Creator of The Heavens and The Earth. Fluid Reality

By Angry Jane

Dearest Readers.  I am posting articles at https://theatreofthegods.com you may want to check out for the open minded believers.

Don’t Bother Trying to Search the Real Term Man Dale a a faect

All you’ll find is “false memories” explanations of how people are Miss Rembring. (sorry 4 coed)  I have 5 websites and they all have M.E.  articles on them that did not show up in search even to the ump-teenth page of my own exhaustive search of two S. engines.  Uhg!  I HATE CENSORSHIP!

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Is Jesus Returning Soon?

In Short?   YES!  This article is spiritually considered “meat” not milk.  It may be unpalatable for some to read.

Looks to me like a wall of demons lifting up the antichrist spirit.

How would you know– ‘Angry Jane’, what Jesus is up to?

Good question!  Let me share with you all that I see.

Keep in mind we do not know in what manner Jesus is returning.  Surely it will not be in the flesh.  Surely He is not going to do that again.  He will return in a spiritual way.  Such as filling up all His children to the brim with His Spirit and by transfiguration changing them, us.

“Not all shall sleep but we shall all be changed.”

Continue reading “Is Jesus Returning Soon?”

Supernatural Bible Changes?

Looms in the bibles doctrine.  What does the voice of antichrist say?

Before you call the writer a heretic please know God said He would bring a famine of His words Amos 8:11 &12.  Also His words are forever fixed in Heaven.  Also, God is Love.  Jesus is The Truth, The Life & The Way.  Jesus brings The New Earth and rivers of living waters.  Jesus brings The Holy Spirit by His very name.

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The Earth Shall Burn But the Children of God Shall be Protected

The Third Angel Speaks to the Scribe of God Named Jazweeh

Revelation 16:8 is at hand.

The angel is as a firebird brilliant and beautiful sacred and true she is God’s beautiful Deity.   And she flies now.  She says she can only be seen and heard by The Spirit.  She is the sacred.   Watch carefully how ye speak of deity spoken of as “fallen” for they are all sacred anointed vessels of God’s holy will.

I call her Kachina because God told me of the Blue star coming back in 2012 or so.  The prophecy of the Blue & Red Kachina is the same as the four angels in Revelation.

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“Back Scene Impact Daut Calm” Sights Findings (apologies for coated-text)

[[What’s a back scene?  The Mosquito bite.  What’s a Daut Calm?  You know . ….. .. com[e].  Sight=site.]]

I keep hearing on YT about famous athletes Draw ping lyke flies.  2021-2022.  They are calling the common phenomena “the killing fields”.   As the occurrence is so prevalent.  Of course you won’t see this on main stream noose.

If men who are at the top of the food chain of hailth are experiencing trauma to the hart.  Imagine what this is doing to regular.  My sister & Mom (who died not long after the bite) got the smite and then had the customary my o’ cardial infraction attic side a fact.




I Pet Goat 2 Decode 2020

See update to this article here.


Jazweeh took a shot at watching & decoding the I Pet Goat prophecy video on You tube.   Granted, if it was given by those who planned and knew what was written in the video and soon coming to earth, then its a self fulfilling prediction by those in power. (Related articles at the end of the page.)

Update Links confirming Ozone Level threats and health affects that mock C.V. symptoms

“Interactive .gov air ozone map”  Hidden in plain sight.

This is a scary interpretation so be warned. The only ones who will fully resonate with this prophecy are the elect who see the dividing of time and the two realities, even the strong delusion and the Mandela effects.

I will not be posting the obvious interpretations that are already well documented.  The deep mysteries in the I Pet Goat II video that no one else has interpreted or seen (yet).

Jazweeh says______”to know the interpretation of a mystery one must have first seen or at least conceived of the events to be interpreted.  This is the key to her interpretation and why she sees what others do not in the popular prophecy video.  What happened to the I Pet God (1) video?  Its no where to be found online.

Jazweeh is the 144, the intercessor, the people of Revelation 12 are the elect, they are the woman who travailed & overcame.

Interpretation I Pet Goat II

Continue reading “I Pet Goat 2 Decode 2020”

The True Gospel. The 144. Truth Undefiled.

First I Shall Share With You The True Gospel of Jesus

The true gospel of Jesus is not exactly written clearly in the books (bible) anymore.  Granted the story of Jesus coming to Earth, 1/2 man 1/2 God born of a virgin we have all heard over and over even unto redundancy on Youtube.  People share this by compulsion & by fear feeling obligation.




Ah the two moons show the dividing of time is upon the Earth. Those in one timeline and many in the other. Two times. Mean 2 realities. One of the wolf and One of The Son of God.  The Hopi prophesied of the split of time in so many words.

Continue reading “The True Gospel. The 144. Truth Undefiled.”

To All Christians Salvation 101

Just to Clarify My Recent Jazweeh End of Days Article.

“Hand” is not G1188 As in the script “a mark on thy right hand or forehead”  G1188 “the right side”.   Nevertheless the bible is unreliable.  We must follow our heart.  By becoming the clay in God’s hands our heart will lead us in to all goodness & Truth by The Holy Spirit He gives us.

The revealing of abomination of desolation the locust from the pit as being a dark spirit perched on the heads of many Christians is scary.  But we are all if saved, it is by Faith.  And we are forgiven by Grace.  God Himself has assured me that He did not create us to be perfect. Nor could we emotionally handle perfection as humans.  We would, if perfect, sinless, become vain, judgmental, and feel no need for God.  We would fall into perdition if we were sinless perfection as Jesus was when human.

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Archbishop Vigano’ Stands in Truth Against the New World Order

In line with prophecy many of the great Catholic religion have sided with the beast systems mandates and social requirements. All Catholics are not corrupt. But clearly some are.

The Archbishop I greatly respect. He does not mince words in this video. He is the ONLY PERSON I have seen standing up against medical tyranny who has powerful constituents and can bring awareness to the public.