Stew Peters – Lethal Hospital Policies Paid by Big Pharma

The Government passed that Trillion dollar emergency SARS-CoV-2 money bill.  And guess where its going?  The money is being flashed under the noses of every company leader and corporate head to threaten all employees.

“Take the product or get fired”.   As long as the employers say this to their employees they get the vid money.



GMO Food. GMO Humans.

Article by Laura E.  Unedited for typos.  Please excuse the typos.  If you can volunteer your text editing skills & time please email me at

Below article #2 who is the restrainer?

Take a look at the dark pitch forked Source Code of the Pie Zar Back Scene-for real.

Sidenote-Why you cannot research the back scenes easily or clearly and why it takes years to find truth about them.  The main reason is semantics.  Every word term is confused with ten other words that mean the same thing.  This tactic of word play is used in every back scene article by the makers of the back scenes.  Opposite of forthright? Cunning, baffling, and evasive is their every article as they paint a happy colorful storyline about every motive, factor, and scientific discovery regarding genetic human engineering both cut splice and editing.

For over a year or even two I have studied to understand the back scene’s core agenda.

So I can put it into laymen’s terms for you and warn everyone of it’s function.  Most of us already know corporate food if possible is poisoned.    Gmo foods are wrong and bad.  Corn can no longer be eaten due to the spreading of the genetics even into true authentic God made Heirloom seed.  Spreading like a genetic virus they say heirloom crops become infected by nearby GMO crops due to the pollination process.  And so on.  I am tired of looking into he face of the beast.  But I must continue.

Continue reading “GMO Food. GMO Humans.”

My Remedies For Acute Lung Distress-Likely SARS CoV-2

by Angry Jane

Fear is the strength of the CV By-Russ.  So much fear programmed into us about it. Fear makes it 10 times worse even with panic attacks.  I feared I could not breath due to some traumatic breathing issues and made it 10 times worse.  More on this later.  This day I am turning it all over to God.  My many remedies are not working to cure me.  I choose to trust Jesus as He is my healer.

PS I don’t cosign this new name he states in video for Jesus. It’s likely pish posh. Still it’s a good little encourager video. I have learned finally to overlook the errors. I know the power of the Name of Jesus why would anyone who knows Jesus change His tried and true name?

If you read my chronicles on the by-russ process you will see I kept being nearly normal then oddly like an attack it would return.  My hope is now in the mighty hands of God.

Continue reading “My Remedies For Acute Lung Distress-Likely SARS CoV-2”

Go Ahead! Cry Over Spilled Milk.

By Angry Jane


And I mean NEED TO.  You guys probably know if your regular readers I am relentless in saying “there is no wrong feeling, if you call a feeling wrong you call your very heart & soul wrong & bad.”  All feelings come from a place of truth and are appropriate.  Even if the fear is a phobia, it happened for a reason.

Continue reading “Go Ahead! Cry Over Spilled Milk.”

Don’t Put an AGM Battery in Your Car

If the Car Came with a Regular lead acid battery.

Important Safety Side-note see -DON’T PUT AGM BATTERIES IN THE CAB OF THE CAR ESPECIALLY WHEN CHARGING.  In spite of info they DO vent hydrogen & oxygen.

What Happens When Corporations Rule the World?

Tier #1 corporations are obviously no longer accountable to the people.  The restrainer who kept them from blatant customer abuse has withdrawn.  Seems tier #2 corporations are no longer standing up as competitors to keep the first beast honest.   The beast system corporate world has no real competitors or gov institutions to keep them honest.

Greed mongering means they will now give you by advertising, false information in spite of the fact that info might cost you alot of money.

When corporations who put $$$ before morality, have no government or competitors to answer to they abuse & lie to customers.

Continue reading “Don’t Put an AGM Battery in Your Car”

Don’t Take the Vaccine If…

CDC SAYS-Don’t Take the Vaccine if your allergic to the following (one or more of)

Sinenote:  Don’t miss my next in depth research article covering “what is the back scene really doing”  By painstaking study for months on end this article will reveal alot about the therapy at hand.

You would know your allergic to PEG (polyethylene Glycol for instance and its variations (like ethylene oxide depending on chemical composition of weight ) if you had some instance of being swabbed with PEG sanitized cotton swabs.  Like I had done during jaw surgery with swabs purified with ethylene oxide (a variation of PEG).  PEG is a know carcinogen. Severe swelling resulted from mucous membrane contact with the chemical PEG.

Continue reading “Don’t Take the Vaccine If…”

The Nuremberg Code

International Human Rights Against Mad Scientists Who Would Slaughter Mankind.

BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448,
7 December 1996.
The judgment by the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg laid down 10 standards to which physicians must conform when carrying out experiments on human subjects in a new code that is now accepted worldwide.
This judgment established a new standard of ethical medical behaviour for the post World War II human rights era. Amongst other requirements, this document enunciates the requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject. The
principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body.

Continue reading “The Nuremberg Code”

People Are Getting Sick-Useful Cure By Nature

Cure for Lung Problems Going Around

Disclaimer-I am not a doctor.  Check with a licensed holistic physician before doing any of this.   Allopathic doctors know nothing about natural remedies used for generations.  Further more big pharma has made every effort to crush natural remedies.

Nature works differently than allopathic drugs do.  Nature heals but usually takes longer than if you had an allopathic big pharma drug that worked.

One-Do not change who you are.  God made your cells the way they are for a reason.  Mankind can NEVER EVER improve on that.  Mad science will do one thing with your dee and aye, make you compliant to the beast system or worse.

Your choice your body your choice.

Go to a remote area, never gather herbs and vegetation under electrical lines.  The electric companies regularly poison the land and plant under their wires so they don’t have to mow and cut.  That right there shows us they have no respect for God, man, or nature.  They don’t give a shit if your kids play in their poisons.  And they will will tell you all day long that although Cancer causing their poison that kills every plant it touches “does no harm to humans”.  And hey if they can poison the water system too, all the better for eugenics.

I loath the beast system.  Know them by who they show you they are not by who they tell you they are.

The Solution to Lung Sick.

Step 1-Go out if in Florida or the south and dig up some Turmeric root alive.  Try your best to leave the plant alive and thriving.

The root will be yellow to orange to white depending on how young it is.  Or buy some Turmeric root fingers online.  The fingers will grow you a plant if you plant part and use the rest to make tea..  Amazon sellers have the live roots to ship.  Organic only.  For turmeric tea use about the size of a thumb cut up, diced, or shredded root.  Add boiling water.  Steep the longer the better.  6 Minutes minimum.

White Turmeric: How It Is Different From Yellow Turmeric And Its Health Benefits - NDTV Food

Young root shoots tender.

Should look like this depending on how long it’s been dry.  The strings grow plants as well.  If it’s sprouting then all the better.

Step two

Pine branch or baby pine tops sprouting.

Don’t use the pine pollen worm looking things.  They only appear certain times of year.

Pine Tree Buds by Monica Murphy
Pine Buds Covered With Resin Surrounded By Pine Needles Stock Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image. Image 5687305.
These pine sprouts are buds, firm not particle-like the pollen pods in first picture.


Foraging Spruce Tips (and Other Conifer Tips)

Use buds like this with stems and pine needles to make tea.  Use a good amount of pine needles and sprouts 1/4 cup approx. Cut up well, pour hot water, let steep longer the better.  Drink hot.  Breath steam.

Take pine needles, sprouts, small stems, approx. 4 cups.  Add to water on medium.  Get it steaming a bit not boiling.  Put towel over head, close eyes.  Turn off burner.  Make a hood with towel over your head and the pan to capture steam and breath it.  Do this twice a day for as long as needed.  A few days.

Those Who Have Come Out of Great Tribulation

Raw Testimony of a born Again X Drug Addict Child of God

Sheep Are The Children of God by Analogy

Let’s call us “children” instead of animals.  After all, I resent when the beast calls us cattle.  “heard immunity, heard mentality, etc.”

Jesus Repeated the phrase “feed my sheep” to the apostles in the gospels when they questioned, “what is Thy will?”


Continue reading “Those Who Have Come Out of Great Tribulation”

The Chosen Few & Those Saved by Faith are Creators

I Balked at the New Agers When they said “we are creators”.

I Reveal to you this Day a Mystery

Do they not new agers seek God in their own way?  Do they not seek Truth?  Many do.

God showed me a mystery this day & last night.  A Faith mystery.  We are saved by Faith & Hope, yes.  Grace on the other hand is part of forgiveness.  By forgiveness and release from guilt we are healed of the burden of sin.

Continue reading “The Chosen Few & Those Saved by Faith are Creators”


God’s Promises & Possible Rapture

Paraphrased Scriptures.  Pray ye escape the end of days tribulation.

“Behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. The trumpet will sound, and the dead in Christ shall be raised imperishable and corrupt shall be clothed with incorruption. The temporal shall become eternal.”

Continue reading “Rapture?”

Stew Peters Interview with

Don’t Watch if you took the Back Scene.

Who Needs the Eternal Spiritual Gifts of Hope, Faith, & Love…

When We Can Claim a Certificate of Salvation by One of the New Gospels?

Scroll.  This is likely the most revealing and informative article I have ever shared as a scribe of God.  Time is short.  The end is near.  See below what is to come. Jazweeh________________

New gospel according to the book the bible reads (they say) that Jesus + nothing = Salvation.  Saved by Grace and blood.  Remission of sin instead of forgiveness of sin.  That shed blood by Jesus is the protection and the remission of sins past, present, and future.

Continue reading “Who Needs the Eternal Spiritual Gifts of Hope, Faith, & Love…”